Dog Abandoned To Me, Previous Owner Refusing To Have Her Put In My Name, What To Do?


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TL;DR Ex-husband has abandoned his dog to me unexpectedly, but has refused to let the vets she's registered with to transfer her details to my name and put me as the owner for me to get her microchipped or anything else. Where do I stand legally and what is the best step for me to take? I Do not want to give her up to a rescue

My [soon-to-be ex] husband has abandoned his 9y/o dog to me but refuses for her vet records to be transferred to my name, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get her looked after or where the situation stands legally in terms of who's responsible for her

The background is she was originally his dog since she was a puppy, a few years before he met me. I Was them married to him for 4 years and of course she became family to me and felt like mine. When we separated 7 months ago we agreed that she would stay with him as she was his originally, however he would let me visit her and I was also still the one who payed for her food. I Also said I would watch her for him at my new flat whenever he needed, he accepted so long as I promise to always bring her back as she's 'his dog', I say that's fine as I don't intend to keep her full-time

Well to try and make a long story short, one occasion when I agree to watch her for a few days, he turns around and suddenly announces that he's moved home and gotton a new job so can't take her back anymore. I Try to tell him I'm not really in a position to have her full-time yet but he still refuses to take her back, going as far as to threaten to unalive her if I won't take her.

So I'm pretty much forced into taking responsibility for her, I decide to just get on with it so start asking him some questions about her vetenary details etc. This is when he informs me she's not even microchipped. (It's a legal requirement here in the UK) I Ask for him to have her vet details transferred into my name so I can get her sorted out with microchipping and insurance etc. but he refuses, wanting her to stay in his name even though she's not living with him

Not I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I can do, I want to make sure she's cared for and is within the law, but how can I if she isn't legally mine? Can I really take a dog who technically belongs to someone else to be microchipped or get vet care without their involvement? If I got her insured in my name would it be invalid because I'm not he registered owner? If the authorities were to discover she isn't microchipped, would I get in legal trouble?

One idea I had is maybe I can just take her to another vets and get her registered as my dog there, but is that legal? Another concern is if I get her chipped then in future he takes her back, he may find out my address from the microchip, so maybe I should make sure she's officially my dog before I do that

Before anyone suggests it I will not give her up to a kennel, I don't trust them and I'm not going to abandon her like he has. I Love her as my own regardless of the technicalities

Any advice on what I should do?
@drew21pa Question, if a microchip is a legal requirement, how did the ex register the dog without it? Further, his vet would have asked for the chip info also.
Take the dog to a new vet. Tell them it was abandoned and that you’d like to chip her and register her.
@renewed24 I Couldn't answer that for you. I Did phone her vets to double check if she's chipped and they said they don't know as they only have records of her being taken there once about a minor injury. I Suppose maybe the vets aren't interested enforcing the law so aren't gonna make you chip them

Tbh I suspect she might actually be chipped but he doesn't realise it
@drew21pa I think you’re overthinking this. Stuff like this happens all the time in veterinary care.

I would just take her to whatever vet is most convenient for you and say “This was my ex husbands dog but he’s abandoned her with me. I have no vet records. I need to make sure she’s updated with vaccines. My understanding is that she is not microchipped, and since that’s legally required, I also would like her microchipped.”

If you end up taking her to the same vet, just tell them the same thing. Your ex abandoned her in your care. And that you would like a separate account set up in your name.
@drew21pa Just take her to a vet and say she's your dog. Get her vaccinated, chipped, and buy a license for your area. Done deal.
Animals are considered possessions under law.