Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?


New member
My 14 y.o. F bluey x beagle loves squid (as well as all seafood she's tried). Lucky her, she's having a fresh squid smoothy for dinner tonight. With ink on the side. Thank you Cockburn Sound.
@northcarolinian I sure mine does, but he had a severe allergy when he had a dry food with salmon as one of the main protein sources, so I'm very leery of strange seafood.

Many moons ago, my family had a dalmatian who would drool horribly when we had broiled shrimp.
@northcarolinian Mine LOVES fish as it’s the main meat she gets. I also put dried seaweed as a food topper. She tried to befriend all the fishermen when we go to the beach. It’s the only time she loves strangers 😂