Do y’all sometimes feel like you don’t do enough for your dog?


New member
Every once in a while I see owners on Instagram doing all these amazing things with their dogs- going on hikes, traveling, having giant backyards, etc etc.

It makes me feel bad for not being able to do that. My dog is very spoiled and he’s happy but it sucks that I can’t do more for him.
@snw Yes it happens. But we have to remember that people are highlighting only the good things on social media, plus for some of them it’s their full time job. I’ve adopted my dog almost 2 years ago and I have to remind myself that I still save his life: he has many toys and treats, a group of friends, lots of love and cuddle and even though we most of the time do the same walks, we sometimes go on bigger adventures. As long as they feel safe and loved, we are doing enough. And as you are asking yourself this question, I’m pretty sure you are an amazing friend to your dog.
@snw I know what you mean, for me it’s the financial cost, my dog never goes without anything she has toys and treats and food but then I see a dog going travelling or having a “pamper” and I just think my dog would love that. But she is loved and a massive part of my family. She is always happy to see me after work and that’s all I can ask. 💖
@snw I feel this all the time. I think about how I wish I had a big house for them to play in, wish I could cook them tasty meals and take them to see different parts of the world.

I want to see how they’d react to being on a boat in the ocean or what they would do on a giant beach all to themselves or take them hiking through a forest with giant red wood trees.

I recently said to my bf that I want to take them each to where their ancestors lived so they can see their roots. 😅🤣
@snw For 2 of my 3 dogs, I would say yes, I didn't do enough towards the end of their lives. Had I been more aware of the changes in their behavior and eating, I might have been able to keep them around longer.

My last dog, Ziggy, lived to be 15 years old. She had it rough medically the last 6 months of her life, but my husband and I already knew that when her time came, we weren't going to put her through anything to make us "happy". Her last day with us, as difficult as it was for us, was the "easiest" letting go of all our pets. She had a wonderful life with us and we did everything reasonable to keep her with us as long as possible.
@snw Yes, but my dogs are happy and that's key. While I think it would be awesome to take them hiking every day or whatever, they don't know that's an option, and they love our walks around town, where people love on them and admire them and they make new friends. While I would love to feed them steak, they like their dog food and the special toppers I give them - they're always excited to see what it is, even if they end up not liking/eating it. My pittie has food allergies, and I cook for her, and she loves that, and is equally happy when I do something special for her. She particularly loves 'dessert' - even if it's just an ice cube (she literally pulls bones and frozen yogurt cubes out of her dinner, sets them aside, and won't eat them until she's finished the rest of her meal, hence 'dessert').

We do what we can for them, and hopefully it's more than enough.
@snw I do feel this way sometimes and it breaks my heart. I am pretty limited with what we can do/where I can take her due to her reactivity and anxiety (I adopted her in 2021 from an ex who takes full responsibility for her being the way that she is and she's 13 now, very much set in her ways) - it's just so risky. I know she's far better off with me though and I know I'm a good owner, just have to remind myself that the decisions I make are always in our best interest given her situation. She is so loved and overall I think she's pretty content with our small life, especially in her old age. She just wants to be with me, have some snackles, go on walkies, car rides, and sniff every blade of grass possible. I love her so much.
@snw I think everyone feels this sometimes. I have friends who live very dog centric lives and their dogs get to do way more fun stuff than I do and they still feel like they don’t do enough sometimes.
@snw Always, but it's because I'm a perfectionist who can't see my own accomplishments and am bad at focusing on the journey. I'm always trying to improve or become better, to the detriment of my current happiness.

Objectively my dog has a really awesome life. I do my best, and we bring eachother so much joy.
@snw Social media, including reddit, will make you feel like a shitty pet owner. But think about all the babies out there who don't have homes at all or have neglectful owners. You are giving your dog a good life that so many poor dogs will never have.
@snw I think about it every day. At the worst of it, I wonder how I manage to even convince myself that had I not adopted her that another family would be giving her such a better life. I don’t know why my guilt overcomes my love, I think I’m just having a tough time. But yes, at least for me, it feels like what you do is never enough.
@snw No. My dog is old and likes to stand out front and sniff the wind and then come inside and take a long nap. That’s his idea of a good time and as long as it’s not raining I do that for him.
@snw Probably dont take him to the vet enough. Hes getting older, but he's probably the healthiest dog I've ever seen. I know checkups are important, but I just never think about it.
@snw Nope. I’m a veterinarian. One or two of our three dogs come to work with me every week day. My wife works from home, so she takes walks in the woods (we live in the country) with whichever dogs are home every day.

I’ve always been into boating. Years ago I suggested a dog outing on a rental pontoon boat. They loved it. We bought a boat and christened it “Lucky Dog”. Summer weekends are enjoyed on the River and the many places we stop for swimming.

My wife has horses, so the dogs get to come along on trail rides. We have a pond where they swim. They are pampered but are worth the effort.

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