Do u bath ur companion(s)?


New member
Hey 👋
I wonder if u bath ur puppy?
My is just taking baths in ponds and puddles (+rain as shower😅). Had to bath him just 2 times in 6 years cus he went into possible prey sh… poop. How about u?
@seakingjesus My boys have very different skin and coats… Both are averse to getting wet and dirty. One could be bathed almost never (not even exaggerating he could be bathed annually) and never stinks or feels dirty. I can just brush and dry blowdry him weekly. The other has a much thicker coat that feels like it gets oily quickly. He could be bathed monthly. It really depends on their activity level and preference, diet, genetics and chemistry, etc
@seakingjesus Pretty much just only bathe him when he gets really muddy or dirty, and only with straight water or tallow soap. He’s pretty good at grooming himself and he gets brushed twice a day to remove debris.
@seakingjesus Mine gets baths when he really needs it. Anytime he gets into puddles or the lake I immediately wipe out his ears though cause he got a really bad ear infection from it.
@seakingjesus I usually give mine a bath about twice a year. Really on an as needed basis. I use a dog shampoo for sensitive skin. I just did a google search for good GSD shampoos.
@adenazk Thank you. Seems like there are some people that don’t bath if they don’t need. My doggo is shiny but fluff is not „fat” and there’s no bad smell. I suppose it’s ok to not bath if don’t seems to be needed
@seakingjesus Yes. The oils on their coats do a good job of keeping them fairly clean under normal circumstances. Just keep them brushed regularly, and the oils as well as the high volume shedding usually keep them clean.