Do grooming hammocks cause irritation or loss of blood flow with long-term use?


New member
We have a corgi who hates having her paws shaved. We used to shave her paws on table while restraining and it's a pain in the ass for both us and her, because she hates it and won't let us finish it quickly. We are reluctant to go to a grooming place due to frugality, so my dad bought a grooming hammock to hope it would make it go faster. And it does make it a lot faster!

But she still hates it, and shakes in fear and confusion the whole time. She won't even eat treats! My mom hates it due to her shaking and thinks it causes /loss of blood flow, and wants us to stop using it. My dad and I think it's fine--even if it is causing lack of blood flow, 2-3 min wouldn't cause any serious problems, and we don't see how it would hurt her. And we really do want to continue using it; it doesn't seem (?) to be causing her any pain; and she doesn't seem (?) to be hating it anymore than the table setup. And it's significantly more fuss-free.

I don't want to move forward with using this until my mom likes it; although she usually doesn't believe Reddit stuff, I want to post here to at least try.

If it matters, she's a 7 year old 24 pound female, with urine issues (we're still looking into it). This is the grooming hammock we're using.
@grace11223344 No, using a hammock isn't going to cause any changes to blood flow - I have almost fully groomed dogs in hammocks. Your dog is probably shaking in the hammock because she's overthreshold just from the process itself. You just usually see it in a much more physical way since she was able to use the table -- "freeze" in the hammock, "flight/fight" when in the table. It doesn't surprise me that the dog doesn't take treats while in the hammock. Dogs won't usually take food if they're overthreshold/shut down. Start with counter-conditioning with the hammock first, break it down into tiny steps and don't force your pup into the hammock until she's more confident with it.

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