Discounts / Package deals ??

I currently work for a small salon and have one customer that comes in every two weeks for a basic bath and trim for a Havanese - hair about 3/8-1 inch long (includes nails, brush out, ear cleaning, glands, and face/ feet trim and teeth for $60 sometimes he does have matting but we don’t usually don’t charge depending on how it is) and he gets a haircut usually every 8-9 weeks. They asked for some kind of discount since they come every 2 weeks, would it be a good idea to offer a package deal or some kind of discount for them? Thanks in advance !
@itsthatislandgirl I would do yourself a favor, tell them your base price is made assuming clients are coming on schedule, and add a fee to clients who are waiting too long to come in. Don't let clients convince you to take less than your services cost.
@itsthatislandgirl I one is forcing them to come in every two weeks. If they want to save money, they can come in less often. Unless you're struggling to fill your books, why would you offer to do something for a reduced price if you can easily fill the same appointment slot with someone paying full price? If someone coming in that often for baths saved me significant time on the haircut appointment (like saves me more than 30 minutes), then I might consider giving them a discount on the haircut appointment, but that very rarely happens.

IDK maybe I'm a jerk for not being more customer service oriented, but I'm going to charge by the amount of time the service takes me, regardless of how often they come in.
@skyrue Customer service oriented does not mean being disrespected by customers. Asking for a discount, for a service they choose to get, is disrespectful of your time, skill, and education. I've had clients ask for a discount. My answer is always, Discounts are not something I offer. If they ask why not, I tell them the value of my time never becomes less, only more. I've never had anyone ask twice.
@itsthatislandgirl If it were every two weeks and super easy, I'd consider giving a few dollars off. Think of it time-wise. Sure, if they stop coming every two weeks, their slot will likely still get filled by another dog, but how much more work is that dog going to be?
@itsthatislandgirl I wouldn't. You are already not charging them for matting that's a discount. You might mention that they are already getting that for free. If they want to save money, they can come in less often as someone else said. They are taking a spot in your schedule. If they don't take it someone else will and those people will pay full price. I hate discount hunters. It never ends with one ask.