Did we choose the wrong name for our puppy? (X-posted from r/namenerds)


New member
Hi all. We just got a terrier puppy (she's ten weeks old, we got her 2 days ago) and named her Artemis. It suits her, she's so beautiful, thoughtful and smart as a button. She watches and takes in everything. But everyone we've introduced her to/told her name to has immediately nicknamed her (Arty we're basically ok with, Missy we're not), or given the name a very lukewarm reception (including, "right... why?"). My mother even asked today if the puppy is still called Artemis.

We know it's an unusual name so do expect some people to be unfamiliar with it but surely it's not that hard to take in or even be positive about? Yes it's three syllables but it's not a long name.
I guess I'm just deflated and a little sad that we worked so hard to find the right name for our little sweetheart and, although we weren't expecting everyone to exclaim "I love her name!", I think we hoped for more than people shortening it immediately or being overtly unenthused by it. I spoke to my mother later on today and told her I'd felt hurt, she said she understood, and thinks it's beautiful but it's an unusual name that people will try to nickname, and we'll be always explaining it to people. She did suggest that we use it as a middle name for any future daughter we may have!
I don't know if it's because she's so new, so I'm unused to saying Artemis, but I do keep finding myself calling her baby or honey or the puppy, rather than Artemis.
We're open to changing it, as I don't want to deal with these reactions for the rest of her life, and I just feel sad. And a bit embarrassed as we've told a few people her name. Admittedly I'm probably being a bit sensitive as I'm very tired (puppy was up at 5 for playtime!).
@nikihawg Lol doesnt really matter what her name is as long as you like it. We named ours Calliope Torres (Grey's Anatomy character) and calling her Callie. Well, my husband calls her Callie. I call her Cal-cal. I'm horrible, I know 😆
@nikihawg My pups name also raises eyebrows, he's a white german shepard and I've always liked old names. I've named him Ragnar and got plenty of disbelief and questions. That is until I met another puppy named the same at the dog park, validation was mine. Artemis is great name for thoughtful girl pup and I doubt you'll go long without meeting another. Greek mythology is still taught in schools.
@nikihawg As someone that was one class away from a classic minor, I love the name. Do people really not know what it means?

Don't dumb down your life for other people's ignorance.

It's a beautiful name.

Btw, my pup's name is Ander. Everyone thinks it's Andy or Andrew. She's named Commander, and she's an american shepherd. I just call her Ander. Commander Shepherd is my private joke.
@nikihawg Who cares..

I've got a:

cat named Pixel (pixie or Captain Creamsicle)

Cat named Oliver (Ollie)

Cat named Oscar (Oscar Monster or Dumbass)

Dog named Penny (Penny Margaret)

11 week old puppy named Malcolm (too new for nickname other than "stop it!" "leave it!" or "God damn it what is wrong with you!?!")

And a dog named Pandora (Pandy or Pandita Maria Consuela Argentina)

If they don't like the name YOU chose for YOUR dog, then screw 'em.
@nikihawg Hey! This is YOUR lil family member. You feed her, snuggle her, and take care of her in general. If you like her name then that's all that matters!!!

My pibble is named Bubba but he also answers to fat boy, pig, and bubs.
@nikihawg This is really all up to you, but for what it's worth, I think Artemis is a beautiful name. Everyone has different thoughts about what sorts of names are "dog appropriate", but it's just good manners (and common sense???) to keep those thoughts to yourself when you encounter a dog whose name isn't to your taste. If someone reacts poorly, you shouldn't be embarrassed, they should be.

We named our boy Ramses. My educational/professional background is in archaeology and I figured most people would be familiar with the name since there were literally eleven pharaohs with the name and lots of people know the biblical story of Moses. NOPE. Most people look confused, or hear the name Ramsay (bro I did not name my dog after the shittiest Game of Thrones character), or, if they read the name, pronounce it "Rams-ezz" (??????????). Older people often associate it with the condom brand (which I didn't know about, sigh).

There's no shame in keeping the name or deciding to change it. She's your puppy! Do what you feel most comfortable with. If you decide to keep it, tell your mom to mind her own business. I know there are lots of mythology geeks, myself included, that would just be thrilled if they ever met your girl.
@nikihawg Artemis is a beautiful name, and if you love it then that's all that matters.
I wanted to name our family shih tzu Aslan, but no one really got it (lion from Narnia, shih tzu = lion dog). We settled on Leo instead!
@nikihawg Our male puppy's name is the end of my maiden name that ends in an "a". We've gotten a lot of "isn't that a girl's name?" It's slightly annoying but we just tell them we made it up. We think it suits him and that's all that matters!
@nikihawg I named my girl Jupiter, which I loved and still do. I get that slight pause and then 'Oh, that's an unusual name!' Followed by forced smiles.

Who cares what anyone else thinks of your pup's name?! You've chosen an absolutely beautiful name that not only suits her but can be shortened to Arty which is adorable and the only person whom it should matter to you is you. Arty is your girl, your family, and stuff what anyone else has to say! 🐕😆
@nikihawg My Boxer is Eleanor, but will happily go by Ellie, Ellie Bellie, Smelly Ellie, Ellie Ellie Oxen Free, Ellie bug, Turd and some random gibberish. Eleanor is also three syllables, I get odd looks and people say it's an old name, or too long, it's whatever. I think it fits her just fine, sure it took a while to get her to listen to Eleanor since it is a little longer than just Ellie but it was no biggie for me.

It's totally up to you if you want to keep it Artemis for paperwork then use Arty or anything else for round the house or just change it all completely. Doesn't matter what everyone else says. I think the weird names or longer names are the most memorable.
@nikihawg When I hear the name Artemis I think two things. 1) Awesome name and 2) huh must be a boy. My dog is named Halosydne which most people hear as a first and middle name (Halo Sydney) which bothers me or EVERYONE assumes I love the Halo video game series. Your dogs name is badass regardless of the gender it is normally associated with. I say keep it.

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