Did my mom do something to my dog?


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I'm starting to think either 1. My dog doesn't like my mom or 2. She traumatized him in some way and he is scared of her.

For context: I have one of the most obedient, sweet, & loving dogs. He's an American Staff, Husky, German Shepherd & Boxer mix. He's almost 100 pounds, a BIG boy. He may try to hunt things (bunnies and groundhogs), but he would never hurt a person or other pet (especially small things like mice). My dog is NOT food motivated, and if he's not hungry he will look at his food and wait a second to eat. He eats 2 meals a day at around the same time every day.​

My dad usually feeds my dogs in the mornings since I'm out the door before anyone wakes up. He's on a trip right now so it's just me, my mom & my brother.
Since I leave before anyone is awake, she's been feeding the dogs breakfast. My dog REFUSES to eat, or go outside to use the bathroom for her. So when I get home at 1/2 which is almost 8 hours after he's supposed to eat breakfast I've had to feed him and let him out (no issue) but he's gone all night, then all morning without food or using the bathroom??? It's the second day he's been gone so it hasn't been going on for long, so I guess I'll wake up earlier to feed him and let him out while my dad is away.
My dad go back and forth feeding him dinner. He always eats for us, and goes outside for us no issue.

Another thing, even with human food (besides meat products) he WILL NOT take anything out of my mom's hand. It's just so weird because he isn't like this with anyone else. Occasionally he will look at me like "oh is this okay" but never usually refuses food.​

Also to add my mom has 2 jobs so she isn't home much. Maybe it's because she's kinda like a stranger to him? I rescued him during COVID, so he was a puppy and knew my mom .
Loki (my dog) is almost 4 now... Just seems like it's weird behavior. I told my coworkers about this because I thought it was strange and one of them said "nah she did something for him to be acting like that" so it really has me thinking. I hope not.

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@yahchristian are you a guy?

could be that your dog is afraid of women. covid rescue often means less socialization, so dogs can develop some weird fears.

my rescue (for reasons utterly unknown to me) is afraid of men, children, bicycles, people on wheels... the list is endless. i can't change it so we work around it.

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