DESPERATELY SEEKING ADVICE! Aggression towards other dog when bothered during sleep


New member
I have a 4-pound Chihuahua (turning 2 yrs this month) named Cali and a 14-pound Chihuahua /Shitzu mix named London (17 yrs old). Cali is extremely smart, playful, and friendly. She gives me no problems outside of trying to cut her nails & getting into typical dog shenanigans occasionally (i.e., sniffing through my small desk trash bin if I toss food in it, etc.) nothing too crazy.

HOWEVER. . . when she's sleeping, if our other dog, London, gets even remotely close to her, she'll attack her! Here are a couple of examples; Cali will be sleeping on the couch then London will jump up onto the couch next to her and Cali will wake up and charge at her. Another ex; Cali will be laying in her bed under her lil throw blanket, London will walk up to her and start sniffing around her out of curiosity & Cali will start to growl and snarl. After a few seconds, she'll attack her. Poor London never retaliates or fights back or anything.

And for the 1st time a couple of wks ago I realized how angry she gets b/c when I went to break it up, Cali actually bit the hell out of me causing me to bleed!! So she is seriously trying to hurt London. And this ONLY happens while she's sleeping & ONLY towards my other dog. I don't understand why or what to do. I currently yell "BAD DOG! BAD BAD CALI!" while pointing & make her stay in her bed. I believe she understands that she did a bad thing b/c she'll do a belly crawl toward me and her ears go back but yet she still does it. It happens maybe once a week & I usually catch her before she attacks because I hear her growling.

Does anyone have any experience w/ something like this or have any advice? Should I seek professional training for her? Any tips are appreciated.
(I also posted to another sub earlier in case this looks familiar lol)
@vincey Jesus don’t yell at your dog that’s going to make it worse. Crate train one or both of the dogs for sleep and when you can’t be home otherwise this will end very very badly. You’re not going to be able to train your doggo out of the sleep startle, only manage it.

Edit: PS growling is a good thing, when you hear that growl never punish, simply get the other dog away and give the growler space.
@jwtinker Got it! Thank you! Several people kept saying to scold her so she knows it’s a bad thing to do. But that good to know going forward. I appreciate the advice.
Also, at 2 yrs olds do you think it’s too late to crate train her?