Desperate: Potty Training Puppy w Other Dogs


New member
Okay, so we’ve had our 5 month old female puppy for over 3 months and she still pees/poops in the house. But she also does on walks and in our yard with her two unrelated brothers (2 year and 11 year males, neutered). Both boys only potty outside, but she thinks outside is fun time. How can we get her to solely “go” outside? I thought it would be easier! Lol

Some more info: she had never been crate trained, as we let the boys roam free.
@izzy1728 Get a crate. Feed and water her only in the crate. 20-30 mins after eating or drinking take her outside alone, no playing, and praise her when she goes. My 9 week old litters are all 95% reliable when they go home using this method
@izzy1728 The more time she pees inside the more she learns that it's "ok". Since it sounds like she's done this quite a few times it's gonna be hard to stop

1 way to work on this is that you gotta watch them like a hawk and if you see them start immediately interrupt, take them outside and if they pee then praise

Crate training can also help for when you can't watch her
@livingfaithpm I have interrupted her during a poop when I can catch her, but then she runs in the backyard and thinks it’s “play.” Meanwhile, if I try to just take her out, our 2 year old whines so hard inside. I’ll try more, though
@izzy1728 There is only one way to potty train. Take the puppy outside, on a leash, every hour on the hour, as well as after the puppy has eaten, drank, gotten amped up, and every time you see her sniffing around suspiciously. Stay outside and be boring until she has peed.

If you do this religiously, you should have very few accidents at all. Every indoors accident is a setback.

The puppy should sleep in a crate, and be generally supervised.

The more serious and proactive you are, the quicker it will be.
@dispensational I have interrupted her during a poop when I can catch her, but then she runs in the backyard and thinks it’s “play.” Meanwhile, if I try to just take her out, our 2 year old whines so hard inside.