Curious: what temp do y’all stop walking your sheps?


New member
I’m really just curious. Somebody mean mugged me today and in my head I made up that they were judging me lol

I’ll walk her if it’s under 90. If it’s high 80s, I won’t unless it’s overcast. She seems to always do fine and never overheats but now I’m in my head about if I’m pushing it too much? She’s a Texas dog and her previous life before me was living outside so I also feel like she’s used to it…

(Please don’t skewer me lol)
@haydenreed Same. They say we're going to get a heat dome again this year and I feel like I barely survived it last year. When it's 90s we do several rounds of 5 minute fetches throughout the day so she can sprint out some energy without getting in trouble.
@daviddiegez Same issue here. My girl is all black and noticed she gets hotter than my old sable used to even with his thick coat. We do early morning or late evening during the warmer months and as for winter if it’s too cold for me to be outside longer than 10 mins then it’s too cold for a walk and we hibernate under blankets together.