Curious about pro/cons of breeding my pit bull


New member
So, I have a brindle pit bull. According to a doggy dna test, he is 91.4 % pure. I don't know if that has any legitimacy. Anyway, he is getting to be about 7 years old and I am curious as to the pros/cons of him breeding. I have an offer from a young lady in the neighborhood to possibly breed with her little pitty. Her girl is maybe 6 months old. I am not doing for financial gain. I just want him to be "fulfilled" before he gets too old. Also, I have read that breeding too young can be bad for the female. Is there anything unethical about anything I have mentioned? Are there any precautions I should know about?
@job8732 Nothing about this is ethical.

Breeding doesn't make dogs feel "fulfilled". That's anthropomorphizing them.

Dogs should never be bred before 2 years of age. If this lady doesn't know that then she probably also doesn't know what health testing needs to be done on both parents to show they're suitable for breeding nor how to properly place dogs in homes suited for them. Your dog also doesn't have the right testing.

What about these 2 dogs would make better puppies than the thousands of other backyard bred pitties sitting in shelters? At least one of them isn't pure Pit, neither of them have titles, and if they came from legitimate reputable breeders you'd have signed contracts prohibiting you from breeding them.
@job8732 I appreciate you asking this question before going through with it. A lot of people don't realize the repercussions of irresponsible breeding and what irresponsible breeding looks like. Thanks for reaching out first before deciding what to do.
breeding won’t make your dog “feel fulfilled”. that’s humanizing an animal. they don’t have the ability to think like that. nothing you’ve mentioned is ethical and it’s just a bad idea