Creat training puppy after we get them in the evening?


New member
Hi, we are getting a little 8 week old staffy x mastiff tonight. We will be returning at 8pm. We want to crate train him, but I'm concerned about how "instant" it may feel for the pup. One day he's at home, next minute he's on an hour drive in a car, into a new home with weird smells, and basically 2 hours later, in a crate. We want the crate downstairs. We plan to make the crate fun, adding his toys in there. Luring him in with snacks.

My questions are as follow because every site has different info.
  1. Should we crate train day 1?
  2. Should the crate be downstairs day 1?
  3. Should we cry it out, leave the dog for the whole night?
  4. Should we split the crate for 1 half the beds the other half puppy pads?
  5. Should we put a water bowl in the crate?
  6. Should we leave a dog toy that holds puppy snacks in there?
Thanks in advance!!!
@alz96 I suggest setting up the crate or a tiny play pen (no bigger than the puppy bed - this aspect is critical for effective toilet training) right next to your own bed for the first few nights while you crate train. Then you can adjust the dog to sleeping outside your bedroom.

Schedule your toilet outings by setting an alarm - wake the dog and take him outside / to the pet loo if you can't take him outside (grass based, no pads) to pee. Don't leave him so long that he pees his bed! The more he pees on his bed, the harder you will find toilet training. Don't put pads or a toilet in the crate; this is not the path to effective toilet training.

Crying out is not recommended.

Checkout our resources on crate training

And toilet training
@bleeper123 Hi there! Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately this sub is so insanely delayed with posts that it's already been 3 weeks! We ended up leaving the crate downstairs. The first night I slept downstairs and comforted him in the crate. Took him out, etc. 2nd night, I listened to a mate who got a puppy 4 months ago. I left him downstairs. He cried for 20mins then slept the night. I rewarded him in the morning. No poo, no pee. Ever since he's been great in the crate (with continued positive associations with it). Sleeps the night. Doesn't cry. Mostly toilet trained (odd mistakes as he's very subtle with signs to go out that I'm working on).

But all is going well now. Although it's not recommended, it's worked and haven't looked back.

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