Crate Time Nap Tips?


New member
Hello fellow puppy owners!

This is a quick one- does everyone tiptoe around the house when it is puppy nap time? When I leave for work I. The early am I navigate the house like it is littered with land mines!

Puppy has a good schedule and will sleep through the night, however the naps in her crate during the day can be derailed by the creaking floors, doing dishes, and talking at a normal volume.

She currently naps in a room with the door closed and the AC is on to regulate the temp in there. I’m just afraid when it is time for the AC to come out that she is going to hear E V E R Y T H I N G!

Is needing to creep around the house during nap time common? 3 month old Sheepadoodle!
@coterw I am always doing this! Especially at night when my pup is sleeping. I try to be super quiet and don’t turn any lights on.
@matthewg22 We had a white noise machine before the AC but you might be onto something- something with variable sounds and stuff would probably prepare us more for unexpected creaks and dishes!
@coterw We’ve started playing classical music for our puppy whenever they’re sleeping in their crate. It’s helped a bunch! We were at a BBQ yesterday and were able to put our puppy in the crate and put the music on right outside his crate and he slept for two hours in there!
@bluesky741 We used a white noise machine before the AC but maybe we do need to have something a bit different than the same noises over and over- where do you source the classical music from? Radio or some specific digital formal?
@coterw I bought a white noise machine for this reason! $20 bucks and no more tip toeing. Plus when the noise comes on he knows it’s sleeping time.

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