Could I be over exercising my puppy?


New member
Not sure if I did the tag right but meh.
I have a 6 month old German shepherd husky mix. I work an in person 7-3, 5 days a week. Because of that, I have made plans for Jasper while I'm gone so he isn't just sitting at home.
Currently, he is at my brother and SILs house 3 days a week (M, W, F) playing with their two dogs, then at doggy day care Tues and Thurs. Then I take him to the dog park on 1 weekend day every week.
He loves going to both of them, but he is so tired at home he basically just sleeps. He isn't lethargic, if I go outside he comes running and begs to play with the flirt pole. That being said, he will randomly go on hunger strikes (refuse breakfast and lunch). He eats dinner and accepts snacks.
I'm not super worried but I am trying to figure out if I should but back on part of that.
@tracyx4 My husky shepherd mix will skip meals like that. If she hasn’t been active that day, she won’t eat much, but if she’s played with her friends or been really physically active, she might eat a double portion. Her weight is perfect, so I don’t worry.

As for the exercise, if the dogs are playing appropriately (taking turns and having breaks) then it is probably fine. Unlike running on a leash, the pup can slow down or take a break. Playing with other dogs is not only a lot of physical work, it really works their brains and this is one reason your puppy is probably so tired.

Since he’s not lethargic, rather just very tired, you’re probably fine. Over the next couple months of adolescence, you’ll probably love this as a tired teen is less likely to get into trouble
@tuckertwo Thank you.
I think the thing that was worrying me is that hr refused breakfast and lunch on a daycare day. Like he has been grazing the last day and he had daycare. But it's dinner time and I know he is hungry so I'm just telling myself he is being picky.

Lol yes! That is my hope. He is REALLY good at home. I can leave him alone if needed, not crated and he just chills.

I think one of my main "WTF" things is that he is so not like the puppies most people on here talk about so while I love that he is so good, my brain keeps psyching me out and going "but what if somethings wrong?!"

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