Continuously getting hives pit bull mix


New member
Hi, my poor pup has been dealing with skin allergies most of her life. She gets red, itchy, and irritated but they mostly always go away. Recently we’ve been having a hard time trying to treat her. Here’s a timeline;
◦ 4/25/2023 First skin infection appt with her vet (not for hives just skin allergies in general) and got fluconazole and cefpodoxime
◦ 5/1/2023 First severe hive breakout and trip to urgent care, she got a benadryl and steroid shot
◦ 5/4/2023 Second severe hive breakout and trip to urgent care for steroid shot
◦ 5/14/2023 Third mild hive breakout just gave Benadryl and went away
◦ 5/15/2023 Fourth severe breakout just gave Benadryl and reduced to mild breakout

◦ 5/16/2023 Trip to vet for a follow up on original skin infection, her vet just recommended continuing antibiotics and Benadryl
◦ 5/16/2023 Fifth severe breakout, just an 2 hours after her vet visit, contacted her vet and was told to take her to urgent care and she got prescribed oral steroids; prednisone and Hydroxyzine.

We haven’t changed her food, I threw away my new shampoo, I’m going to go buy NexGuard since I read it could be fleas although the vet confirmed she doesn’t see any on her. Has anyone had a similar story or knows what could help? Please I’m desperate and it’s hurting me see my pup go through this!
@virtualhope Pitties tend to have a lot of allergies in my experience (I’ve owned 3 and all of them with multiple allergies) if you haven’t changed the diet i definitely would. Found out 2/3 couldn’t eat chicken, beef, salmon or turkey. Strictly lamb or the pricier canned foods I’ve found even kangaroo from the signature dog food line was totally fine. Hope that helps you and your baby
@virtualhope You need to change the food, for they can have food allergies and that cause hives. Please change the food. This may be the way to help your fur baby get over the breakout of hives. I am sure your vet suggested a food for you baby to eat. Listen to the vet.
@virtualhope Licensed veterinary technician here.....I'd seriously consider seeing a veterinary dermatologist for your pup. You can do a hydrolyzed protein food diet but it's an 8 week plus thing and absolutely no other food/treats can be given.

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