Conjunctivitis help?


New member
My Shiba contracted conjunctivitis from another dog and I took him to our vet to confirm and the doc said that’s what it was and gave us antibiotics in eye drop form.

We’ve been applying them as directed for 2 weeks now and it was getting better a week in and then it got worse out of nowhere.

I’m wondering if anyone else has had any issues like this and if they have any remedies for this they’ve tried?

We didn’t start using the cone until a few days in and he may have pawed at his eye.

I have another vet appointment booked for this Thursday for a possible alternative treatment. Any helps would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance
@candyfloss28 Sometimes a longer course of the antibiotic is needed. If you weren't using an e-collar until recently, there's a high chance he did rub at it. Going back to the vet for a recheck is exactly what you should be doing. They'll be able to stain the eye to see if there are any scratches and can alter the medication as needed.
@candyfloss28 How old is your dog? If he is a puppy conjunctivitis can be a common thing because their third eyelid develops little bubbles on its surface and irritate the eye. In 99% of cases this vanishes when they grow older. Still though the infections should be treated.