Congestive heart failure, cavalier King Charles spaniel.


New member
He is currently only 7 and a half turning 8 in August, he was diagnosed with grade 3 heart murmur three weeks ago, then two weeks ago I went back to the vet and they said it was at grade 4, I brought him in for xray just last week, the vet tells me he has an enlarged heart of 13.5cm and his heart murmur is very try loud which seems it’s at grade 6, mitral valve disease apparently, I asked what I was expecting and the vet tells me it could be just a few months, we put him on 3 meds, vetmedin, frusemide and vetace. I’ve been bawling my eyes out every night ever since his last diagnosis, I count his respiratory rate per minute it’s consistently at 40, rarely at 30, sometimes at 50.

I have an echo cardiagram booked in for him in a couple of days, I don’t know if I’m being almost too negative, but today he’s refused to walk for the first time, hung around outside the house for two minutes and he wanted back in. He’s been seemingly lethargic, although it’s a hot day 36 degrees here in Australia, he’s been just lying down all day in the aircon room, still taking 40+ breaths per minute, been eating and drinking just fine, I’ve put him on a strict beef diet.

This is my first pet and I’m so devastated I literally have my soul left my body for the past few days, what am I expecting in the near future? Please tell me I’m being too negative but see down I sort of know I’m right. Is it true that congestive heart failure could get worse rapidly in a short time?
@nasa321 Really hoping that you get some good outcomes like my parents did… I can’t imagine what you’re going through.
You are obviously a good dog parent & no doubt have showered your boy with love he’s entire life. Just keep going & stay positive… for you and your cavi.
@nasa321 Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, these pets become our children & it’s a shame they don’t live as long as we do.

My parents had a beaglier at about 8 diagnosed with almost the same, was told quality of life & most likely 6 months to live.. they had her on the right meds (can’t remember the exact type, but basically one was for the heart & the other was to flush fluid from building up around the heart).. bar a few scary episodes she lived a happy life past 11 years old.. she past away just last month, was nice having one last Christmas with her. I’ve seen many cavs diagnosed the same & live long lives .. some past 15.

Wife & I have a 7 year old cavy as well, with two grade 1 murmurs (on each side of the heart). We notice on the hot days that her breathing can sit at around 40+ per min..

It’s a sad reality with this breed that the heart almost always gives up.. just have to love them always and make sure they don’t suffer.

It’s easy to get negative and think about the worst case scenario, but stay positive & give your beautiful pup plenty of hugs.

I hope that like my parents dog, you get many more happy years together!
@asherahsamaria Thank you for your kind words and your share of experience, I’m basically mentally preparing for the worst but I’m still hopeful for a miracle because that’s the only thing I can do right now. Negativity hits me hard late at night when I hear him pacing around the bedroom and unable to get in a comfortable position lying down.