Clipper/blades/guards - do you add the blade & guard length together? (confused!)


I’ve been doing a lot of reading as I’m about to invest in a “real” set of high quality clippers for our two dogs. This sub has been brilliant for helping point me in the right direction on this.

I’ve been learning a lot now about the different blades that are used on the clippers and finally found out that the higher numbers cut closer/shorter. I also learned that most clipper guards for longer cuts are compatible with a 30 blade at shortest and can go up to at least a 9 blade (perhaps, some a little longer/lower number). What I’m wondering is, does the clipper blade you clip a guard on to actually make the cut shorter or longer? Meaning, if I use a 30 blade w/ a 1” clipper guard will I get a shorter cut that if I used a #9 blade with that same 1” clipper guard since the #9 cuts longer than the 30? Or does it not make any difference when using the guards? I haven’t been able to figure this out from searches as yet and was hoping that someone here might know and be able to help me learn this. That would really help!

I might be overthinking this (I can do that!) but I just wanted to know what to expect either way and if using a longer blade w/ any guard might give a longer cut which would also give more versatility in how I could do grooming hair cuts on our “girls”. :) Thanks so much for any help and info you could share!
@s3mp3rr3formanda Just use a 30 under your clip combs. It cuts the best.

Make sure you clipcombs are well attached (most prefer metal ones for this reason) because if it pulls off late into the haircut then suddenly that’s a hot 30 on your dog’s suddenly bald skin.
@s3mp3rr3formanda The stainless steel attachments seem to work best on a 30 for me, I've tried them on a 10 and a 15 and honestly it just didn't seem to go through very well. In theory yes it would leave a different length, but such a slight difference that it probably wouldn't be very noticeable.
@s3mp3rr3formanda Use a 30 or 40 under them, there won't be much difference but the combs themselves will sit better on them. I've been told that putting them over a 15/10/9 will stretch them out so they won't sit as well on the 30, which will make problems as you're cutting.

One thing to do when you get your combs is to just take the 4 and 5 combs and put them somewhere you won't remember. The gaps between their teeth are too wide and sometimes will allow the 30 blade beneath to cut the hair without the guard, so you'll get a really choppy and randomly short as hell cut.
@livelifeliving33 Oh my goodness! That sounds terrible about the 4 & 5 comb guides. Is it the #4 & #5 guards that you’re meaning? (Can’t remember the actual length but somewhere around 1/2”). Is this something that can be improved w/ a different set of universal guards? For instance, I’ve read that the Oster, Andis, and the Wahl SS (pro) will all work interchangeably. Is another brand better or will all of them allow that phenomenon?
@s3mp3rr3formanda Yeah the guards/combs. I think they're dark purple and red in color. They work on certain fur types and I use them for specific results, but this is only after years of experience. They probably won't work well on your doodle coats.