Chronic ear infection advice?


New member
I would love to get any advice on GS owners that have dealt with chronic ear infections. It seems our GS gets them every 6 to 8 weeks. We get an antibiotic. She gets better. In n a few weeks she is showing signs of an ear infection. Rinse and repeat Last month she developed a hematoma in her ear that vet said was caused by the ear infections. Monday she had surgery to remove the hematoma. We have been told her ear infections are due to a grass allergy. I don't mind the expense but don't want to her have the pain and suffering from chronic infections and the risk of other complications. Any advice on treating and preventing?
@biblelesson Not sure how it would work against a grass allergy but my vet gave me a big bottle of Trizedta. It's an antibacterial ear flush & has worked well with my girls.
@biblelesson We’ve been dealing with the same thing for years. Getting her on Apoquel has helped tremendously. A lot of folks have negative things to say about Apoquel, but one of my vet’s dogs takes it 365 days a year so she trusts it and not seeing my poor girl in pain many times a year with ear infections has been worth it.
@biblelesson I adopted a rescue GSD years ago. She had chronic ear infections. We did allergy testing,changed foods, tried powders and drops and washes. After months of that, the vets during the 3rd round of deep ear cleaning found a foxtail way down in the ear, covered in yeasty ear goo. Once it was out, the ear healed and no more infections for the next 12 ish years.
@biblelesson My girl had chronic infections. Vet had us buy a big expensive bottle of something that didn’t work.
I saw a recommendation for EcoEars. Infection gone after following the same instructions Vet gave us for the bottle of crap. Gone within 1 week never to return. 3 year and counting.
Her mom also got chronic infections and one of her ears even dropped.
@biblelesson How was the grass allergy diagnosed? Skin testing? See a dernatologist.

You can do allergy shots, benadryl, apoquel, cytopoint.

Definitely check for yeast and treat with Claro if yeast. Antibiotics are not for every ear infection.

Look into gut health. Given the rounds of antibiotics this is likely an issue. Get the gut healthy and it should reduce the occurrences. Look at Adored Beasts Yeasty Beast protocol. Get on a good probiotic. Add bone broth. Feed food that is low in carbs.
@biblelesson We used to deal with this ALL The TIME. Our vet gave us a large bottle of Epiotic Advanced and a small bottle of Triple Max Otic Suspension and the following instructions. Get some cotton swabs like you would use for make up. Put the Epiotic Advance on a swab and swab the inside of the dog's ear, DIG DEEP. We used literally 5 swabs per ear. Once both sides are cleaned apply the suspension.

We were told to do it 10 days in a row to get control of the situation, which worked. Now when either of them shakes their head at night we just clean their ears. It happens in spring and summer primarily, usually about once a month or so