Chihuahua help…


New member

Chihuahua 15 y/o experiencing symptoms of incontinence, lack of appetite, labored breathing, difficulty getting comfortable/laying down, slow walking, hardly going up stairs. Slowly started about 5 days ago. We took him to the vet for blood work, X-rays (thinking pneumonia), checked his legs for fractures, everything came up fine.

Blood work pristine, heart and lungs healthy, no CHF, no pneumonia, no infection. Did an abdominal X-ray as well and everything is normal. The vet is completely stumped. I have no idea what to do with my baby. We started an antibiotic and appetite stimulant yesterday hoping it’s some infection that wasn’t caught and it’s been 24 hours since we started it. What do you think it may be? What testing do you think we missed/should do?
@rjirai That’s definitely tricky. I wonder if the pup is unfortunately just approaching the end of its time with you. If you have the finances and are serious about finding a solution, second opinions are always a lovely option and are often very helpful.
@rjirai I’m not saying that it is for certain no, but due to his age it is definitely an option. I’m very sorry if it is, and send all of my sympathy to you during this stressful and heartbreaking time. Every pup approaches the end of their days differently. Some show no symptoms at all, and some do. I don’t want to worry you and do recommend you get a second opinion in case it isn’t that and is something a different vet may be able to notice, but you asked for any idea on what could be happening and that is what first came to mind for me.