Chihuahua allergie


New member
Hi so I recently was given a 2 year old short hair chihuahua from someone who couldn’t take care of her. I have dog allergies but I didn’t feel anything for the first few days, but now am starting to get a bit of a reaction. Nothing bad but enough that it is a bit uncomfortable. I’m keeping her since we are now besties but if anyone has tips to help with dander it would be greatly appreciated. I’m ordering a brush for her and I’m looking to see if there are any good anti allergies shampoos. I’ve seen a lot of people say that you can wash dogs once a week to help with allergies but I thought I’d ask here to make sure that would be ok for her skin. Any ideas would be awesome.
@ptrk air purifiers, change furnace filters regularly and get ones for allergens, vacuum and dust all the time. get ducts cleaned and sanitized if you have a home. wash blankets, bedding, etc...and I don't know about your living situation, but if at all possible, no carpets and have leather furniture.
also take a daily allergy med like Claritin or zyrtec. also, there's a spray on amazon that you can spray or carpets and upholstery that dampens allergens. I have a chihuahua also and am allergic to dogs. and it's better after living with him for 11 years, but it can still irritate me. these are things I do. we find it helpful.

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