CHF… but what if the meds never help?


New member
Last week my dog had a few fainting episodes, which prompted our vet visit.

Background :
Vet: I don’t have much experience with this vet, we moved and admittedly haven’t kept up with all routine visits due to funds.
Dog: My dog Munchie, she is a rescue, she was an adult at the time of rescue so her age is appropriate, I think she is around 13-15 and we say she’s a mixed bread rat terrier, Female, spayed, 14 lbs. We have had her for 12 years, she was heartworm + at that time and underwent the “fast” treatment with injections of ivermectin. She has always been full of energy, literally spinning circles for food, very food motivated(ate a full foot long subway sandwich once), and just a happy dog.

Fast forward to last week, she fainted outside when she was excited. I didn’t see it happen, but when I turned around, she was on the ground with my other dog standing above her(checking on her). Then she fainted twice more over the next day. Before our appointment, she was acting a bit under the weather, a little more chill than normal, but still eating, still walking and still happy.
We went to our appointment Tuesday morning, she stayed for the day, the vet called me with updates, and we picked her up at the end of the day.
While at the vet they did x rays, ultrasound, found fluid on her heart and abdomen, enlarged heart and liver and did an amniocentesis of her abdomen to reduce the fluid.
The vet sent her home with a diagnosis of CHF and instructions to give the following medication:
1/2 the 125 mg pill of vetmedin per 12 hrs
10mg lasix per 12 hrs.

Over the last week she has slowly lost her appetite and damn near all will to do anything. We are carrying her to/ from the bathroom and she just lays around and sleeps.

I called the vet this morning and suggested a change in her medication due to the lethargy and loss of appetite, and I have noticed a bit of swelling in her body again. He stated concern because most dogs respond well to the medication and actually perk up, he decided to adjust her meds as follows:
1/2 the 125 mg of vetmedin ( pimobendan)per 12 hrs
20 mg lasix per 12 hrs
0.68 mg of Entyce ( capromorelin oral solution) per 24 hrs

We implemented these changes today and I so no positive difference. Is she just so bad that medication is unable to buy her any time?

Or is some other course of action needed?

I mean it just happened overnight, and I feel it’s side effects from the medication, not the disease course necessarily.

As of now, she hasn’t eaten for 2 days, she turns her nose away from food as if she’s repulsed. We’ve tried giving her anything and everything, from peanut butter to brisket and bacon, nothing, no interest. She is still drinking water, but hasn’t peed since earlier today.

Any help is greatly appreciated, I’m not ready to lose my girl but if it’s time, and there is nothing we can do, I will accept that too.
