Changes in Dog after Kidney Diet


New member
My 9yo Male Boxer was diagnosed with a possible kidney issue (slightly elevated levels, not super high but a change from previous test so likely caught early). Vet recommending a kidney diet. My research is telling me a kidney diet is 14-20% protein and more fat and my dog’s normal food (Open Farm Ancient Grains) is 32% plus he has gotten extra with freeze dried raw since he was an adult. I’m familiar with prescription Royal Cain because my last dog was on it for other reasons. So will likely go that direction. I’m just interesting in hearing from other folks who had to put their pups on this diet (have a follow up to discuss further with vet too):
- Did your dogs body composition change a lot after the switch? My boxer is still lean and muscular (during his annual vet noted how great is body composition is for his age).
- With the above, did you find you had to adjust how much food you fed dog?
- Did you notice a big difference in your dogs energy level? My guy was trained to run with me and still runs 3-5 miles 2-3/a week with me. Just did a 9 mile hike last week. No joint or arthritis issues yet and his energy is still pretty high for a 9yo dog. He’d be happy to run even more but our mileage decreased more due to my injuries and not his!
- Any nutrition/supplement changes to combat the above? He’s already on glucosamine for joint health.
- I guess my fear is this is signally a turning point for him which of course makes me sad. I’m mindful that boxers have shorter life spans. I’m wondering if anyone else experienced this with this diagnosis?
@breeze11 Our 10 yr old greyhound was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease earlier this year and we immediately switched him to a kidney diet (Hills science diet). We fed him according to weight and what was recommended on the bag, and he gained weight quickly! We had to whittle down his servings.

We can tell a difference in energy level and aren't sure if it's due to the diet change & less protein, the kidney disease, or age. He's still happy and engaged and wants to play and go for walks, but gets tired easier and we have to limit his activities that put him "in the red".

I've read that fish oil can be a good, pure protein source for dogs with kidney disease so we're going to clear that w our vet and see if that helps him.

I hope your buddy is doing ok ❤️