cat friendly dog having some issues


New member

we adopted a cat friendly GS rescue dog. i am including this photo for proof bc when i describe her you wouldnt believe it otherwise. She lived w this cat and another cat in a foster home for 2 months. It was reported that she didnt bother this cat at all, but the 2nd one she did chase (but was never aggressive). We have 2 cats, so we decided to adopt the dog.

Fast forward 1 week later, we have tried to introduce her to our cats following the steps outlined online (switch scented blankets, let them hear each other but not see each other, when they do see each other give treats for glancing away, etc) and the few times she has seen the cats it has been concerning. she is fixated on them, lunging, whining, barking. the foster parent said she introduced them by putting her in a muzzle first so maybe thats what we should do? or keep trying what we have been doing? its only been one week. but im feeling v discouraged and would welcome feedback.
@phogstenjr Introducing them after one week in a new home is pretty quick. I’ve never had a cat but I would recommend letting her slowly adjust to the new home, then introduce the cat super slow - as in seeing for awhile before actually being near. I’m sure others here have cat+GSD experience.
@agios_triados I agree, but she was only in the foster home 2 months and they were introduced right away and were fine! She also was described as "no aggressive bone in her body" and she almost attacked a dog on a walk yesterday. My husband and I are first time dog parents and so we feel a lil in over our heads now.
@phogstenjr I adopted a 6 yr old GSD and have an older cat that is used to dogs but not such a big one. The cat immediately ran and hid when my pup decided to meet the cat. My pup was a bit aggressive but not in a dangerous way, just excitement.

Had to put up a child gate so the cat could feel secure when she wanted to be alone. 3 months for the cat to come out with the dog in the same room, but they are best buds now.

Just had to get used to the idea and become comfortable with a big dog. Sometimes it's just the newness has to wear off. A dog can be cat friendly, but the excitement of a new friend can be overwhelming.