Can things improve for my 8 Y.O rescue?

Hi everyone. I rescued a gorgeous lab retriever cross dog from north Macedonia is December (I live in the U.K.). He’s not a former street dog but was left chained in a garden a lot after his owner died and the family couldn’t care for him. He is genuinely so sweet, loves people and has been great with things like toileting and understanding some commands. The biggest issue I have is that he is so reactive to other dogs - If One comes anywhere near him he will lunge, bark and even bite if he gets the chance. He has no recall at all and has managed to escape the house twice and both times ran for ages with us following but refusing to acknowledge us.
I really want to be able to take him for long walks on the beach or in the countryside but at the minute I’d be so scared about other dogs, even if he’s in the lead. I’d also love to let him off the lead to play but nothing we are doing seems to help - so I just wonder if I need to accept that this is the way he is and enjoy the good stuff which definitely outweighs the bad?

Sorry for any formatting issues I’m on mobile
@openedeyes_israel I would suggest to start with door training first to minimize him running out the door as that is a huge safety issue.

Start by asking for a sit/stay before unlocking your door. If he gets excited, lock the door and ask for a sit/stay and wait for him to relax. When he relaxes unlock the door.

Once he masters this step repeat the process with: gradually opening the door, stepping outside the door, waiting while you lock up.

Rewarding that calm mindset inside the house and at the door with fewer distractions will give you a good base to practicing outside where it is more exciting.

I think you should have him wear a muzzle anytime he might be in a situation that can provoke a bite. Muzzle training with tons of positive reinforcement. A good muzzle will allow him to pant, drink and eat comfortably.

For recall, I suggest starting with a long lead and using high value treats like real meat to call him back to you before attempting anything off leash. When you do start practice off leash, do it in an enclosed, secure environment with minimal distractions.

To work on reactivity towards other dogs start by redirecting with commands, treats or toys at a distance he does not react. As soon as you see an incoming dog step far off the path and start redirecting your dog.

Once he can master ignoring them or staying calm at a distance you can gradually move closer as long as he is able to be redirected.

If he is reacting and can not be redirected turn and walk away until you are able to redirect him.

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