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hi y’all

i have a 13 week old doxie. i just want to be able to lay down with her. when we’re laying in my bed all she does is jump/nip at my face. how do i teach her not to do this? it’s so frustrating.

btw i do crate train her and it just seems like that’s the only place she can really settle, which is fine but damn girl i don’t need to be on the defensive everytime i lay next to you 😂
@lisa445 It gets better!! We couldn't cuddle at all with our puppy, then she finished losing her baby teeth, and it was like a switch flipped.

I guess there's no guarantee that will happen, some dogs just are not cuddlers, but hold out hope!
@jalamb86 Mine didn’t want to stay still to cuddle until she was like 2 1/2

Even now when I join her on the bed, 75% of the time she leaves 😭 she just wants to go get a toy and try to make me play!! (Edit- it’s always play play play with her….)

But she’ll come back and cuddle if I pretend to be sad and fake cry. So basically, I have to resort to emotional manipulation to get any snuggles in
@jalamb86 Yeah until those shark teeth come out it’s hard to get them to just cuddle. I got my one puppy at 6 weeks which found out was too early he used to try and suck on my arm or neck to nurse and would be happy cuddled up with me, a few months later he’s 50 pound bull in a China shop, he wouldn’t sit still for more than a few mins. Found out American Bulldogs don’t really mature and stop growling until they’re 2 once he was neutered and got his exercise he would sleep with me every night.
I just got a new one after my last one passed and you forget how hard and how much work they are at the start after you’re used to the personality and behavior of a dog you spent 14 years of your life with.
@lisa445 My 4.5 month golden cuddled with me on the sofa last night, chewing her coffee wood stick and stopping only to give me little kisses... I could have cried with relief as it was the first time she has lay next to me without biting for any longer than a couple of minutes... I was so amazed and grateful that I fully skipped dinner because I didn't want to move her haha!

This morning she humped my leg and bit a roll of fat on my middle section... so business as usual today...

But someday soon you will get a glimpse of what is to come... And eventually, there will be more calm moments than crazy ones! Patience, my friend!

And for me, if I keep skipping dinners during cuddle times, there will be no fat rolls for her to chomp! Checkmate, you toothy demon!
@berik Oh god, this. It's like they know where the really tender bits are. And there's no way to ignore or redirect... however, I am going to use the 'pinch the underarm' move if I ever get mugged by a human, it hurts so much I'm sure it would incapacitate an attacker lol.
@berik Mine too, and I don't have much to bite, but she always manages to get it just right 🫣😂
Little chug Chi Pug barely 10lbs I could barely go near her for awhile.. Had to wear long sleeves most of the summer because she's like a little Jaws with those teeth. But like another comment above, it's like a light switched over night and she's stopped doing that thank God! My arm and hand looked like I ran through a broken chain link fence for about a month until she finally stopped.
It does get better, she's finally cuddling with me on the couch & bed. Will crawl right up and snuggle into hubby's arms and beard. Give him hugs and kisses, while Mom (me) gets her legs humped and nipped 🤔 She nibbles me like I have fleas 🤣
Almost 7 months old now and still suckles in her sleep sometimes, it's cute listening to her when she's in a deep sleep..

After losing our fur baby of 14 year's in April, it was hard coming home to no one greeting us, so we found this little girl and adopted her.. She's a handful, but she's a good girl otherwise.. I wouldn't have it any other way, husband even said if we didn't have to go out of town for Dr appt 's he'd consider getting her a friend. Just not ready for another pup yet 😳
That was a few months of not sleeping or barely sleeping. Potty training is a whole nother story too
They are surely lucky they are stinkin adorable 🥰
@freedominjesusname We get these for my pup, she is a fan. They are sticks that are made out of the root of coffee trees, which is a good wood for dogs as its quite soft and shouldn't splinter in their mouth.

It's particularly good if they like to chew your wooden furniture, as it gives them an acceptable outlet that has the same sensation as wooden furniture. I was worried at first that it would encourage chewing the furniture, but it didn't seem to have that effect and she seems to know that the wooden stick is allowed and the furniture is not.
@lisa445 It’s criminal too be soo cute and not snuggle !!! I can’t cuddle my boy either! I got him for emotional support and all I he does is break my heart 🤣🤣🤣
@lisa445 My puppy will only sleep in his cage :( he hasn’t slumped in my bed in over a month because he has lost his chill and will no longer self regulate to just lay down and love me lol. 4 month old springer just springing in my face