Can I get a dog as a 24hr shift worker?


New member
I’m 21 and a firefighter/paramedic so I work 24 hour shifts. I basically have my girlfriend sleepover @ my place all the time, when I’m home, but she stays at her parents’ when I’m not. She can take the dog out for walks and stay with her 1-2 hours when I’m working, but she won’t stay the night. This is how it would work for like 10-12 months, until I buy my own place and move in with my girlfriend for good. The question is: Is it wise for me to get a dog right now? I’ve really wanted one since I was a kid and now I feel I’m fully prepared mentally and financially. Can I somehow train it to not have separation anxiety? Please be brutally honest and thank you.
@johnnywong That is way too long to leave a dog alone. A single 1-2 hr walk as the only attention it gets while you're working... No. Dogs are social animals that need attention, affection, exercise, and stimulation.
@johnnywong Here's a thing I wish I knew when I was around your age and felt "mentally" ready for a dog: wait a year once you feel you're ready.

Dogs are hard work. Like, really hard work. And that's before considering the fact that you don't have the time right now, plain and simple. Your dog will be neglected with your current schedule. Hell, it can be hard to give a dog all the love they will need even with a normal schedule.
@johnnywong A girlfriend at your age probably isn’t someone to trust caretaking to, and it’s an added tricky situation if things don’t work out. A young puppy needs out every couple of hours and constant training. An older dog will have their own issues. Go walk dogs at the SPCA as a volunteer :)
@johnnywong Can you bring him to the station or do you have a health need for which an accommodation would be required or would you be able to get him the proper training to provide services?

I have found a girl through Nextdoor that helps me with my dog for when I work over 8 hours, my friend also comes sometimes and I had found someone through Rover. There will be people that will stay with your dog but you will need to plan accordingly depending on the age, breed and personality.

Best of luck.
@johnnywong most definitely not ok. the first month's with your dog are important for bonding. also, animals should not be left alone like that. it's unfair and cruel to them. they need tons of exercise, stimulation, training etc... think of pets like children. please wait.
@3rdeye Yeah, I get it. I love animals and I think I kinda knew it wouldn’t work anyway, just needed to hear it from an outside perspective. I guess it’s time to look for a new place :D thanks.
@johnnywong Thanks for making the mature decision! In the meantime, fish keeping is a fun hobby. I don't love my fish as much as my dog but it's the same kind of love. Similar to dogs, there is so much to learn about how to give your pet the best life, and you can figure out what pet stores you like, how to manage going on vacation, feeding/cleaning routines, etc.
@johnnywong If she could stop by a couple of times or someone else (like a responsible neighbor kid or a hired dog walker) could also pop in every few hours during the day it could work out. As I understand it, you’d work a couple 24 hour shifts a week and then be off the rest of the week? It could be done if you had help the 2 days you were working OR if your gf took the dog to her parents’ home during the day
@johnnywong I think you also need to have a clear conversation about responsibilities with your gf when (or if) you do move in with her and get a dog. Like if you are working 24 hour shifts, she is responsible for enforcing training and walks and socializing with the dog at that time. When my husband and I got a puppy, it was clear that we would be going on long walks together and our social life was gone. He walks for a living and decided he wouldn't be doing it any more. I'm still pretty annoyed, definitely resented for a while but enjoy my hikes and walks with my dog alone now.
@johnnywong That's way too much time alone.

Also just to let you know if you do end up getting on after moving in with your girlfriend it's going to be much more her dog than yours cause of the time you spend with it.