Can I be allergic to dog Urine?


New member
Don’t know if this is the right sub Reddit to post on or if I even used the right tag. Anyways I’m pretty much allergic to pet dander and dust very important for later.

Basically my dog who’s 1 year and 7 months old he’s a mini poodle and he does not flair up my allergies. Anyways he is potty trained but on occasion will have an accident. He refuses to do his business anywhere besides on grass. one day I was playing my violin and normally when I play my other instruments he kinda just tilts his head while I’m playing. But a few days ago he jumped on my bed and peed right where I sleep I assumed he was startled or scared.

I removed my sheets immediately but did not notice it soaked into the mattress. I changed my sheets but there was still that spot that soaked through. Now every time I lay down or go to bed I suffer through these horrible allergy flair ups and attacks.

I didn’t rule out the pee at first because 1. The weather is changing drastically where I am
2. It’s almost spring so I assumed maybe it was pollen
3. I crochet and have been using yarn that was donated to but a lot of them don’t have labels on them signifying what material the yarn is and a lot of the yarn had vintage labels on them so I also considered something with the yarn

But last night I was sleeping facedown and smelt sort of sweet sour smell and as you can guess when I lifted my sheets I discovered an off white water mark on my mattress.

TLDR I’ve been having bad allergies and I think it’s bc my dog peed on my bed
@aimee3915 Yeah the pee is probably still in the mattress which is giving you rashes. If you aren’t having flare ups outside of this, it’s not an allergy. I’d get the mattress deep cleaned or look into getting a new one.

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