Can certain toys make a dog more agressive, or be emotionally unhealthy for a dog?


New member
I got my dog a new ball - it's called a "laughing ball". It's basically a really squicky ball.

But it seems that my dog either likes too much or hates it. What I mean that he seems to fight with it, making those growling sounds while he runs after it and tries to bite it.

Should I stop using the ball? I only used it three for a few minutes, but each time my dog had the same reaction.
@sendkod Seems like it encourages prey drive. Some breeds need to get an outlet for it (like ratter dogs etc). What breed is he? I probably wouldnt use it if i had a cat in the house but im not an expert in prey drive behaviour.. you will get better replies im sure! Best of luck
@sendkod Small dogs were generally used as pest control or small game hunting dogs, so it is possible the toy is feeding a prey drive need. Can you post a video of the play?

I wouldn't be overly concerned, unless your dog is ignoring commands, or resource guarding the toy, etc. My dog gets pretty excited and growly when we play tug of war, but it's just play, and he will stop if I tell him to, so I let him be excited and growly.
@sendkod I have this thing. I call it a devil ball. It is obnoxious and my dog goes after it like she is crazy. Too loud for the neighbors. I had to put it away
@sendkod Dogs growl as play behavior. Look at the rest of his body language if he is playing or upset.

Asside from that, I try to only introduce plays I want to encourage. I don’t give my dogs squeaky toys because I want them to let go if something squeaks. I don’t give them plush toys because I don’t want them to confuse every plush with „their“ toy. But they do have balls and tugging toys and other stuff. But that is personal preference.