Can a 4mo pup hold pee for 7-8 hours?


New member
I read the housetraining wiki but I didn't see an answer to this specific We picked up our 4yo pup from the rescue yesterday and we knew that he needed some work on potty training. He did a mix of indoor pads (workday) and outdoor potty (backyard) with the foster. When we got him, we knew the key to this was success and consistency. The first day, we brought him home at noon and he held his pee for 7 hours, then had two accidents inside. We took him out every hour and he didn't do anything. WE figured that day was a write-off since it was very weird for all of us.

Today (day 2), he woke up on time and promptly peed outside. And then he did it properly after playtimes and before naps, all up until the late morning. At that point, he just...stopped. He sniffed the spot, found other interesting stuff in the yard, got tired and laid down on the concrete. We tried taking him for walks and going to the same spot he pooped yesterday. It's been 7 hours since his last pee, and in that time he's had 3 crate naps, 3 walks and a bunch of playtime/snuggle time. Yet no pee.

I know every puppy book says that they can hold their pee about 1 hour = 1 month, and also to take them out every 1-2 hours when possible. And if they don't go, bring them back out in 15 minutes. But is it possible he just doesn't have to go? He's had adequate water and everything.

We do have pads, but we were going to avoid using them if possible. But would it help if I put them on the spot outside (since he has a history of using them during the workday)?

Update: I think I figured it out. His crate was clean and he's been in very strict pen control inside. However, he squats when he pees. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes apparently it's not. :) But when I checked his underside after a walk, his privates hair was wet. (he's wire-haired terrier so it was really obvious). It wasn't that way before the walk. I just hadn't thought to use that as a check before. I think he did 1-2 stealth pees on walks during that span while sniffing. Good news is he used the run an hour ago. Thanks for your input everyone, we are used to adult rescues who are already potty trained.
@lsltylrs01 I’m no expert by any means but that sounds really unusual. When we got our puppy recently she was shockingly amazing at sleeping through the night (like 6-7h) without waking or peeing but once she was awake there were still accidents galore despite taking her out every 30-60min - where she also peed and sometimes pooped.

Now she’s about 18 weeks and she can hold it for about 3-4h pretty regularly, but if something triggers her, like me or my partner coming home or something, she’ll be. I mean she happy pees every time one of us gets home. I can’t imagine how your puppy can go an entire day of activity without going potty.
@lsltylrs01 Our Vizsla pup was essentially toilet trained when we got her at 8 weeks. At first she was waking up and crying out every 2 hours or so to go pee. By 10 weeks she was getting up once per night. She now sleeps a full 9 hours and generally doesn’t wake up to pee at all, although she might do so once every couple of days (guess it depends on how much she had to drink in advance, we never withhold water).

I think it’s pretty variable puppy to puppy and from what I’ve read, smaller breeds need to go more frequently.
@lsltylrs01 I got my Jack from the breeder at 3 months old, 9lb Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Our first night together, I took him outside to do his business around 9pm, and by a little after 10pm we were both worn out. During the night when I woke up, I went and woke Jack up to see if he had to go to the bathroom...the confused look he gave me and just wanted to go back to sleep. (I wake up a few times during the night myself) Finally around 8:30 am 'ish I heard him moving around in his crate so I took him right outside and he had a nice long pee and he was good. Jack is almost 3yo and pretty much the same pattern every night...once in a while, he lets me know if he needs to go outside urgently, but that isn't often, which is nice.
@lsltylrs01 My dachshund could not do it on normal days, however when it rained? Magically he didn’t have to pee all day. He really hates the rain though and always acts like I am the meanest person in the world for forcing him to go outside even if it is just for 5 minutes.
@lsltylrs01 Mine just hit 4 months and has been holding it overnight for 6 - 8 hours ever since he was 3 months old, now up to 10-11 hours because apparently his determination to sleep in is stronger than his bladder.
During the day, however, he is still a puppy and I take him outside after every nap (anywhere from 45 min to 2 hours) as well as after playtime or meals. In general I get suspicious after one or 1,5 hours when he's awake. It helps to not let them wander off too far so you can keep an eye on them to avoid any sneaky pee in a hidden corner!
@lsltylrs01 Our pup had weird bowel movement for the first week or two that we had him, but nothing like this. Our pup can hold his bladder for 12 hours at night but definitely not 7 hours during the day