Can’t leave my 8 month old puppy alone


New member
My dog is absolutely attached to me. At my feet constantly and if I put him in a room alone he will go ballistic and scratch at the door and bark until I return. He can’t be left at home alone, he will bark the entire time. Is 8 months too late to train this out of him? Any tips? It’s keeping me from living a normal life because I cannot go to the gym or hangout w friends without him
@elias512 It’s a hard problem but you have to start somewhere and it’ll get better. Find what he absolutely loves, some chews that take a long time to go through, toys, background and start with 5 mins and increase the interval day by day. Mine had a terrible time initially, barking and howling all the time but it’s getting better now, after 2 weeks I’ve increased it to almost 2 hours