Bump/ lump(not moveable) suddenly getting bigger


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Bump/ lump(not moveable) suddenly getting bigger

Beagle, F, 6 y.o.

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Bump/ lump(not moveable) on forehead that used to be almost flat for at least almost a year suddenly getting bigger. Only other unusual thing she has been doing is licking both her front paws a lot.

She also has dry eyes(way more so on the side where lump is), I dont think they're linked tho.. the eye thing(which im using a lubricant for) has been going on and off for 2+ years
@marijo OP, this one is definitely a vet trip. Any lump/bump that starts growing suddenly is an urgent matter. This is not something that can be diagnosed or treated over Reddit (nor should it).

Totally understand if you’re in a rural area, money is short, lack of available vets in your area/country, etc. I get it but do your dog and yourself a favor and make the trip.

Good luck and I hope your dog is alright.