Bump Behind Dog’s Ear


New member
Hey y’all,

I wanted to consult with somebody before making an appointment or anything.

My dog, 6 years old, has basically always had a lump behind his ear that doesn’t seem to bother him. When petting him today, I noticed the bump is quite a bit larger, and feels a bit more “loose” (can wiggle around a bit). Doesn’t seem to bother him much still. Photo might not be the greatest as there’s a lot of hair on top.

I’d like to know what your thoughts are, how I should proceed, etc.!

Thanks I’m advance.

Photo attached.

@amu My dog has a few of these - I think my vet called it a keratin mole? Essentially it’s benign and made of the same material as their toenails, they tend to grow and fall off and repeat. Despite being reassured many times I still worry though, so I would say it’s still worth checking.