Breaking separation anxiety 7 m/o


New member
7 m/o puppy, rescued at 4 months old.

He cries and whines, runs around, non stop if I leave with him out of his crate. I've tried on a handful of times now, usually shot leaves, and he just barks non stop.

Doesn't matter what toys, treats or anything I leave out. He's just fixed on the front door or closest window. Tried long walks, short walks right before.

What is the best way to break separation anxiety?
@jenny54 one of the hardest things to work on and i’m dealing with it now too. so can’t yet tell you how to “cure” it but i can tell you what i’ve been doing for training so far.

i don’t have any “departure cues” but there’s training for that too. basically just doing stuff you do before you leave but then not leaving. like pick up your keys and put on your shoes but then just go sit on the couch, etc.

but since i don’t do that part here’s the next step:
make your way towards the door and touch the handle, don’t open it and just walk back. then go to the door and open it but don’t walk out. then open the door and walk out for one second. then do it again but for 5 seconds, then 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, and so on.. do each a couple times before moving to the next. between each time come in and ignore him and just sit down or do something else but don’t give him any attention.

you have to come back before he gets anxious and starts barking. so if you make it to 10 seconds and he barks, go back to just 1 or 5 seconds. people say you should be doing this for 30 minutes a day every day. and for now if you have to leave for a while, get him a sitter. because every time he gets anxious that he’s alone it sets things back.

you can also leave him with a stuffed bone or kong or something to keep him busy for a while. but my dog will finish those fast so i just use those for when i’m leaving for short times like to take out the trash.

also my puppy does better when she’s in her crate with a cover on it. if she can see what’s going on and that i’m not there she hates that. but covering with a sheet helps
@imagebeastmarkbeast I will give that a try. And yeah he was good in his crate with it covered. Then one day he started pulling the blanket through, and to the point he'd move his crate down the hallway from pulling it. He's 100% attached to me. I noticed this when I am driving with him hell just stare at me. Even if I get up to go to the bathroom he will get up.