Boarding housebroken dog that is all of a sudden peeing in the house?


New member
We’re dog-sitting a 3 y/o airedale terrier for four days, this is day three, and we’ve been having a blast with her. She’s a great, well-adjusted, fun dog. With the owner’s encouragement we’ve been taking her to the dog park and it’s been great for all of us. But today we got home from the dog park, came inside, we stepped out to speak to a neighbor, came back in and noticed that she had peed on the floor. I chalked it up to no big deal because she does drink a noticeably large amount of water when we go to the dog park (this was our third time) and we had briefly left her inside alone and out of her crate while we spoke with our neighbor and I figured maybe she had some anxiety that caused her to pee or maybe all of a sudden really needed to go? Not sure.

My partner leaves to grocery shop and I stay home with her, she’s sitting next to me on the couch and gets up because she thinks she hears him at the front door, and there is a large pee stain under her. I get up to clean it, and notice ANOTHER pee stain on a different part of the couch.

We’ve crated her twice since she got here and she did not pee, we’ve been attentive to letting her out and have had no problems, what is going on? Did she somehow develop a UTI? I see no other signs of a UTI. Is this sudden anxiety, or maybe she just drank a ton of water and doesn’t know how to ask to go out? or I didn’t pick up her signal? Just hoping there’s no medical concern here...
@specific How old? Immediately, I would think anxiety but it could be any number of issues but anxiety seems to be the case. Marking territory? Does she do this with her family?
@specific If she were just peeing on the floor, I personally would chalk it up to anxiety and might just mention it to the owner & let them know I was keeping an eye on it.

But the peeing on the couch strikes me as more of an issue with bladder control than just excitement/anxiety or having her routine thrown off. If she were my dog, I’d be taking her to the vet to check for a UTI or other issue 😕

Can you get in touch with her owners?