Best dogs for first time owners with 0 experience


New member
Hi all, I know this question gets asked here a lot but would love to know your opinions on which dog to get as a first time owner with no experience. I would love to get a golden retriever. However, Im at work 10 hours a day, would love a dog that wouldn't shed a lot, easy to train and is friendly with everyone and anyone. I would prefer big dogs (golden) as compared to smaller ones (eg. Shih Tzu) but am still open to either depending on their pros
@wifeandmother How long of a commute do you have?

Can you afford a dog walker or doggy daycare?

How much excercise can you provide for your dog? (Can include time with dog walker)

How big is your living space?

Do you have a yard?

How much time can you spend grooming your dog?

Can you afford a dog groomer if the breed needed one?

Do you prefer to be out doing things or are you more a stay at home person?
@mclovindaboss11 the work timings mentioned includes time for commute

yeah I can afford doggy care comfortably

as needed maybe 30 min walk in the morning and an hour in evening (again im new to this so have no idea how much time would be needed)

I live in a villa and have a reasonably big back yard.

would 15-20 mins a day be enough for grooming?

yes I could afford to and would like a professional to groom the dog until I can fully do it on my own.

im mostly a stay at home person
@wifeandmother That's not too bad. Most non high energy breeds would be fine with that care. I would reccomend for a first dog to look into getting a dog at least 6 months and preferably a year as training a puppy is a ton of work. If you like golden retrievers look for breed specific rescues in your area. You could also look up local dog shows and attend them and see if any other breed catches your eye. In my opinion Labrador, golden retrievers, boxers, cocker spaniels, and english setter all make really nice first time dogs as they typically have very friendly dispositions and aren't terribly difficult to train.

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