Basic advice needed for dog owner


New member
Hello! I'm just a regular dog owner who has watched some dog grooming Youtube videos. We got an adorable mutt from the shelter last year (mostly hound/pit/chow/aussie). We originally thought she had short fur; she was living as a stray in the woods with puppies and then in a shelter, so it took her a few months to put on weight, relax, and grow out her fur. We've been DIYing her grooming and I just want to make sure we are doing right by her!

Igmur album with dog photos:

-She gets bathed frequently (probably once every ~1-2 weeks) since she loves adventuring in water and muck, but she is also a house dog. We use Vet's Best shampoo with oatmeal and her skin usally looks pretty healthy. Should I switch to something else? Should I also use conditioner?

-The only trimming I do is on her tail/butt floof, her paw pads and between her toes. We make sure to brush out her feathering frequently to prevent tangles/mats. Is there anything else we should be doing? I realize my trimming skills aren't great.

-Her nails seem long, but I don't think I can clip them any shorter without quicking her. I clip her nails every 2-4 weeks. Do they look too long or am I worried for nothing? Is there anything I can/should do to shorten the quicks?

Thanks so much for your time and for what you do as groomers! It seems like a very demanding job.
@nguyencuong9102 I think you are doing great keeping up with the grooming. The only note I really have is bathing her once a week is too often . It can dry out her skin . Could do like twice a month recommended is once a month but would use conditioner for sure . Will help loosen the undercoat and keep her skin hydrated. Also don't forget about cleaning your dog's teeth. Can get toothpaste or additives to water or dental treats. Just feel like that's largely forgotten and periodontal disease is so common with dogs.
@samuel926 Thank you for the advice! She gets dirty frequently (we are an outdoorsy family and this dog fits right in). Think swamp muck/salt water/sand all over her whole body, so she needs frequent cleaning in order to not get the house super dirty, I've tried the wipes and they just don't cut it. Should I just be hosing her off without shampoo some of the time to prevent dry skin? Any recommendations on conditioner?
@nguyencuong9102 You’re doing everything perfectly. I would look up nail grinder or nail dremmel that’ll help shorten the quicks and it’s easier to get them as short as you want them without quicking them.
@nguyencuong9102 Great advise from all the above. Only thing I would add is to give her raw beef marrow bones to chew on for her teeth. These will keep them nice and clean plus raw bones don't splinter like cooked bones and have loads of nutrients. As for nails, when your dog has her full weight on the foot the nails will just barely clear the surface. Dremel when they touch the surface.
@nguyencuong9102 There’s a check you can do the nails, have the dog standing up and if you can slide a debit/credit loyalty card or whatever underneath and it doesn’t catch the nails, the nails are fine! I clip then use a dremel to soften them and get closer to the quicks, when clipping squeeze gently first the dog will usually tell you if you’re about to quick them 🙂 have some trimmex or styptic solution on hand just incase and don’t worry if you quick, it happens even to us groomers sometimes!