
New member
Hi, just a warning for other dog food owners out there. I had purchased a variety pack of "Just Food for Dogs" shelf stable variety pack. I normally make my home made dog food, but on an especially busy week, decided to supplement with 2 boxes of Turkey and Macaroni and 1 box of Beef and Russett Potatoes.
For context, this is a 75lbs Belgium Malinois. Per their recommendation, a dog of his size would require a daily dose of 2.5 boxes. He got 3 over 2 days with his regular food I cook. Day 1 2 boxes of Turkey and Day 2, 1 box of Beef before he got sick.

Second day is body started to shut down and he ended up developing Pancreatitis.
Emergency vet visit, and we literally almost lost him. Absolutely heart breaking. Luckily he's recovered but he was dying.

I'm appalled, sickened and disgusted this product is sold on shelves for unsuspecting pet owners. I want nothing from this company another for then to pull this shit off the shelves.
The response I got from the company was simply "this can happen".

Please Please Please take note and DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM JUST FOOD FOR DOGS!!!!
@jesseb04 I am not a huge JFFD fan, but in their defense pancreatitis can happen due to any number of underlying issues and be triggered by almost any moderate fat diet.

And it sounds like you’re making food? Was that formulated by a board certified veterinary nutritionist? If not, that could’ve also been a trigger.

I do very much hope your dog gets better soon!
@sevilodorf Yes it is vet formulated and I understand what you're saying. Years of no issues. We had a week that was tough time wise and was hoping to supplement with this in a pinch. He just got so sick so fast we were able to pinpoint this was the cause.

Also, prior to him getting sick, I was surprised to see the quality of food in the box. They are sold separately for 8.95 online and upon opening, it looked, smelled and had the same texture as a regular can of alpo. I get its "dog food" but it was hard to differentiate what the "food" was besides the Macaroni shape and a potato cube. Everything else was a gelatinous meat blob.

Thank you for the kind words!
@jesseb04 Can you please double check that your dog is getting sufficient macro and micro nutrients on their homemade diet? Health issues from nutritional imbalances can appear suddenly and late in dogs… I’ve read that it’s hard to get just right without like a nutrition powder. I’m just a layman, but I’m wondering if the shock of the JJFD triggered a state similar to “refeeding syndrome” since they were an not used to the nutrients of the new food and the organs were affected. Wish you all the best of health and happiness.
@jesseb04 Hopefully your dog hasn't had any flares since the initial presentation.🤞 How are you handling the homemade diet now that you have to prepare it low fat? Also, how did you go about locating a veterinary nutritionist?