At what age do puppies stop trying to eat E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G?


New member
Sunday, 5mo ate a piece of chewing gum on the floor and had to take him to the emergency vet. Fortunately t
No damage was done but they did induce vomiting.

Today, we had just received the post which had some medication in. This was in the living room. Then the food delivery came, so we left him in the living room, forgetting the medication was in there too. Then the doctors called (our house is honestly never this manic!).

As soon as we realised we rushed to the living room. He had eaten a tablet, and we called the vet and it's all fine (not poisonous thank goodness).

We are just feeling like sucky dog owners at the moment for missing these 2 things (the gum happened literally so fast), and he tries to eat literally everything when we take him for a walk. Will he get to a point where he will stop trying to eat everything on a walk? (And yes we will be taking extra special care around medication 🤦🙈😭)
@supescritter Honestly I don't know. We have a dog we rescued who is anywhere from 1 to 2 years old and he eats and chews through everything. My puppy I raised and is 7 months old only really tears apart her toys. She stopped eating and chewing apart other stuff around 5.5 months. I think it depends on the dog and how determined they are to get up to no good.