Are there any day-by-day training programs? (x-post from r/dogs)


New member
I currently have two older pups who are very good dogs, but not necessarily "trained." One of them can sit/stay/down/come, and the other can come (both are crate trained, non-destructive, walk on a leash, etc).

I am getting a puppy this fall, and I want to practice and improve my training abilities with my current pups before then. I was wondering if there were any "day by day" training programs out there geared toward obedience/trick training. I would be willing to pay for the right program.

My ideal program would have a "Day One work on this and that" "Day two continue the work on day one activities with a slight variation" (etc) schedule and ideally include videos.
@danicajav For that you can check kikopup on YouTube. She has a number of videos that break down tricks step by step.

You could also check the trick list for do more with your dog. The list is broken down into levels, and if you want to start a project you can pick a higher level trick and then work out how to break it down. So something like an orbit, you would work on rear end awareness, teaching your dog to pivot, teaching them to back up etc.... In order to get to the orbit. It's sometimes good practice to pick something hard and try to sort out which skills they need first, and how to break the trick down for your dog.
@danicajav You might be interested in Morgan Spector's Clicker Training for Obedience. It's a very organized, step by step plan. Some people find it a dry read, but I think it's exceptionally well written and useful.
@danicajav Sue Ailsby’s Training Levels might be what YOURE looking for. I bought the ebook around a year ago but just started using it again with my ~1.5 year old dog. Everything is broken down into steps, and levels. (Like Sit, level 1, steps 1-5)

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