Anyone’s crazy puppy become a super chill puppy around 7-8 months?


New member
My girl was a HANDFUL as a young puppy until she was about 5 months old. Since then she’s gradually gotten more chill, but this past week she has been unbelievably calm. As soon as she realizes it’s not play time, she settles herself.

She still has good energy, bouts of puppy playfulness and naughty adolescent behaviors (we can’t leave her unattended for too long), but she’s like a totally different dog now.

Did we luck out? Did we pay our dues early on and now we have a chill doggy? Is there more adolescence to come and this isn’t going to last?
@gphudson YES. My pup is turning 8 months tomorrow and over the last month she has really calmed down! Not 100% of the time, and she still has some solid witching hour antics, but overall has become such a good pup and I don’t have to enforce every nap!

I just took her out from a crate nap since I had to get some stuff done. She came out, we played for a few minutes and then she laid down and is now just relaxing by my feet as I watch tv!
@gphudson I think the answer would be a mixture of your three questions:
You've been a bit lucky, your training paid off and adolescence might kick in late!
Be proud of your pup, it's the most rewarding feeling ❤️

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