Any tips with crate training?


New member
Hi, I’ve been fostering a 11 month Russian toy, 4 days in total
She doesn’t want to go to her crate at night!
She came in the crate it’s a hard travelling one and it has a fluffy bed in it.
We thought she was going in at night but she is actually been sleeping in the sofa!
Last night we blocked the living room, only leaving the hallway and understairs access.
The crate is under the stairs. She cried so much and whined like crazy, and not once went in the crate!
We ended up coating the couch with the doggy bed and blanket, but ideally I’d like her to sleep in the crate!

A little background: her elderly owner died in Belarus and she was abandoned by her family members. They just threw her out of the apartment in the snow! Poor thing has cold in her bones! She was rescued and brought in the U.K.
@amandawithroses Maybe she doesn't like being contained or has had bad experiences with crates/cages in the past.
Depending on the size of the crate, you could try feeding her in there to build up a positive association with it. Whenever she has a nap during the day or is resting, praise her if she goes in the crate, but don't force her. Also, if she does go in the crate during the day, leave the door open so she doesn't feel trapped.
You could also put in an item of your clothing in the crate so she feels safe.
@amandawithroses Dont rush closing the door at all. We’re all eager to close to door and leave the room, but that can take months.
Do meal times in there, and maybe play fun games going in and out. And thats it for a few days or even weeks.
Sit by it, and just stay there.
I close the door when they eat. Then open right away.

The first time you close the door, probably just sit there. And always have things for the dog to do. Like eat, or chew stuff, always have it be distracted.