Any suggestions for how to get rid of moles in my yard?


New member
Hey y’all, so I went to let the dogs out just now & for the first time in the 8.5 years I’ve lived in this house, I’ve got a mole in my yard. I know it’s a mole cuz other neighbors have had issues with them, I guess I’ve always just gotten lucky.

Anyways, I could just let my dogs eat it like my parents did our dogs growing up (I was 7, in rural MO & didn’t know any better) but I worry about my doggos now getting sick if I let them just deal with the problem. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to get rid of them other than just getting poison & only pottying my dogs in the front yard until it’s done it’s job? Cuz my other question with that is, if I do use poison, what do I do with the poisoned soil & dead mole/moles? I just don’t want to risk my dogs getting sick.

Thanks in advance for any advice :)
@wippmadeed Yeah, the holes is how I found the mole actually. There are a couple holes about 15ft apart that my dogs dug that I haven’t been able to get filled in yet cuz all the shitty weather lately. This morning I walk out back with the dogs & there is a large raised like, reversed-trench looking-ass thing between the two dog dug holes & a little pile of dirt newly piled in front of a little hole in the side/bottom of each dog hole that lines up with raised-reverse-trench thing.

As much as I would love to teach my GSD to hunt the moles, I’ve been trying not to encourage her prey drive. I’ve got a few cats & while one is her best buddy, he’s basically a dog in a cat body & doesn’t mind her playing rough with him. She doesn’t try to eat the cats or get aggressive at all, she just wants to say hi & play, but all the other cats get wigged out by how excited she gets & when they run away she tries to chase them so I’ve been trying to discourage her prey drive to hopefully stop her chasing the cats so they can socialize with her better.

My other dog Ace oddly enough (pittie mix) thinks the cats are his babies & treats them like he’s their mom. But the instant he even thinks he sees another animal outside, he tries to eat it. His favorite game is chasing the squirrels around in the trees like he thinks he can climb up & eat him. He’s gotten a few actually & while his “leave it” is ok for toys, I’ve learned getting an actual prey animal away from him that he’s caught is damn near impossible. The last one he got, he did eat a little of it before I could get it from him. He got the runs after, so I had to take him to the vet to make sure he didn’t get any parasites or an infection from eating it. He’s also got a lot of allergies & luckily he didn’t have any parasites/infection so it was probably his allergies, but it still was worrying.

Suffice to say trying to let either one of my dogs to try to hunt the moles even to just catch & release in a different area, is not gonna be a good option
@avgold My dad used to stand outside at high noon and wait very still with a shovel in hand.

You’ll see the yard move where the mole is digging. You take the shovel and WHACK right where the mole is.

Then you dig it up and dispose of it.

I saw him do at least 10 moles that way growing up.
@captfury Well considering I just let the dogs outside again & there is ALREADY more mole digging reverse-trench things extending another few feet from where it originally ended this morning, that honestly might be my most viable option. Growing up in farm country I don’t know why I didn’t think of that sooner lol but I’ve never really had to deal with moles as a problem before either. I’ve got a shovel & that’s free VS going out to buy one of those molecat things or poison. Thanks for the suggestion. If that fails then that mole-cat thing others have suggested will be my next bet
@captfury I mean, I’ve already got enough bourbon & podcasts to keep me entertained & already own a shovel. I’m also a cheap SOB. You’d be surprised how much you can fix w/just duck tape, super glue, 550 cord, & zip ties lol. I also bow-fish so I’m no stranger to just staring at a spot until you see the thing to kill while zoning out but not too much to lose focus lol
@captfury Omfg I love it. I used to joke with the patients in my previous career whenever I was leaving an isolation room (my hospital had those papery yellow gowns) that I felt like Hulk Hogan getting to rip off those yellow, sweaty-ass gowns on the way out of the room lol I started to feel old after some of the younger patients (in their 20s-early 30s) didn’t always get the reference :/