Any recommendations on a backpack for all my dogs' stuff?


New member
Hello r/dog friends!

I have two dogs (3 y/o GSD and 6 m/o Shep/Kelpie) that I'm trying to find a good backpack for toting around their accessories for when we go on trips, to the park, etc. I have 3 leashes each (of varying lengths - one pair being a long training slip lead, the others being short and long traditional leashes) collapsible bowls for each, a few outdoor toys, treat bag, usually a big bottle of water, etc etc. I'd like to avoid swapping out what things we're bringing along for each trip, and just have a catch-all backpack for all of their goodies.

Dog-centric backpacks seem to want to incorporate a feeding station area, or other traditional backpacks are just an undivided pit with no organization options. Am I barking up the wrong tree (lol) with my search?

Pic related for puppy tax
@ryanchamp Actually, yes, Swing by Home Depot or Lowes or something and take a look at the tool carrying backpacks, totes, etc.

Usually much heavier duty that the regular dog bags.

Bonus: The Home Depot house brand is “Husky” so it’s still kind of on theme.