Alternative to BANG


New member
I have a 3 1/2 month old puppy, that I am teaching new tricks, which he picks up pretty quickly. I am in the process of teaching him how to lay on his back with his paws in his face commonly known as the BANG/ G U N/ play dead. I’m curious if others have an alternative phrase/name/trick with the same results. The more I think about it I don’t really want my dog to pretend to be dead, or for me to mimic fire arms.
@godisgreattome Dogs don’t understand the concept of playing dead or firearms (beyond dogs used for gun hunting retrieval) it’s just a fun behavior for them and literally you can use whatever word and hand signal you want to if their original connotations make you uncomfortable. “Play possum”, “FLAT”, “Plank”, etc. would have a close connotation without being Bang, Gun, or Play Dead, but you could use “Banana” or any other multitude of random words and as long as you’re consistent your dog will not care.