Allergies or kennel cough?


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I have a 1 year old dachshund who last night started with reverse sneezing which stopped after a minute or so, this afternoon after going on a walk, on cut grass he’s started coughing/gagging with nothing coming up etc. he’s been sneezing a lot more recently and now with this slight cough I’m worried it’s kennel cough. Our area is a high dog % area and I’ve just realised he hasn’t had the bordatella (kennel cough) vaccine. (we got him at 6 months old so didn’t need to vaccinate until just after a year old)

I’m spiralling thinking if it is kennel cough he’s going to become seriously unwell. Anyone else’s dogs have allergies with result in coughing?? After walks? I need my mind put to rest he’s going to be fine.

(Vets booked for Tuesday)
@justme1956 Kennel cough has a very specific sound. I would Google what the sound is and compare to what you heard. Also, kennel cough usually produces a coughing fit. 1 or 2 coughs doesn’t really classify as kennel cough. Also. If it it’s kennel cough. Your dog is going to be fine. It’s a viral disease that passes on its own
@imcatholic Even if he hasn’t been vaccinated? He’s booked in for his jabs Tuesday. He hasn’t had a coughing fit just a few closed mouth coughs and a few gags like somethings irritating his throat. I have bad anxiety, I’ve read it’s usually nothing but just sometimes spiral. Thankyou so much.
@justme1956 Yes as someone has already mentioned Kennel cough has a very distinct high pitch cough sound. Also reverse sneezing can be caused by using a collar to walk your dog especially if they are a puller. We had to stop and now use a harness. Since then it has stopped. Pls note this year the vets are saying allergies are very high this year
@chronel I don’t walk him on a collar & the reverse sneezing started after he’d been asleep for a little while around 11pm last night. Yeah his doesn’t seem to be a high pitched cough more like when they cough but have their mouth still closed you know? It’s just a few and then passes, I’m hoping it’s just allergies.
@justme1956 Reverse sneezing was one of the allergy symptoms a dog of ours had. A reduced dose of OTC 24 hour before allergy medication is what we were instructed to use daily.
@justme1956 Vet Tech here. It could be a number of things. Allergies, reversed sneezing, kennel well as other things

Many cases of kennel cough are viral or caused by other bacteria. We still recommend vaccinating against Bordetella, bc of the severity of it. Viral and bacterial forms of kennel cough can be airborne, but your pup would still need to be in pretty close proximity to another dog. Most cases of kennel cough, are mild in severity. A honking type cough is the main symptom. I wouldn't panic.

You can call your Vet and get the ok to give something over the counter for allergies or cough, and see if it helps at all. Otherwise, I'd make a Vet appt just to stay ahead of the game.

Good luck!
@bfoj1950 He’s booked in for his booster vaccines on Tuesday, we weren’t aware he wasn’t vaccinated against bordatella otherwise I’d of made sure he was vaccinated against everything I could!

I’m thinking it’s just allergies as he’s not having coughing fits or anything, just the occasional few coughs that last a minute or so with gagging. Thanks so much!!
@justme1956 My dog has had kennel cough a number of times, usually if it’s kennel cough you’ll know, the coughing is nonstop and they’ll often be vomiting white foam after a coughing fit. It goes away after a week or two but vet wasn’t really concerned when I brought him in, it’s just a wait it out sort of thing. If there are any signs of lethargy, non eating or drinking etc.. then it’s cause for concern

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