After 7 years of living in an apartment with a reactive/noise sensitive Aussie..


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I'm so excited/relieved to have closed on a home recently and should be fully moved in by the end of the month. Although it's a townhouse, only the two spare bedrooms have a window facing the front, so hopefully that will limit her defense against the evil UPS man where she legit screams bloody murder as well as other "street security". Also so happy to no longer worry about less than 24 hours notice from the leasing office saying maintenance needs to enter for x,y and z, in regards to both trying to secure my dog and me working nights. To not having to worry about trying to work with the office and be like "hey, can maintenance give me a heads up when they are ready to come by and I can take my dog for a walk", them agreeing and then maintenance showing up unannounced anyway. I know its not going to be a cure all, but im really looking forward to giving my pup a more peaceful environment soon which will hopefully settle some anxiety!
@bmh3d Congrats to you and your puppy! It’s a dream of mine to one day move my little pet family out of the apartments too. I know that pup is gonna sleep so good in its own home.
@revertion Thanks so much! It definitely took awhile and I don't have a private, fenced in yard, but I think sound wise it will be a huge difference.
@bmh3d woot- Congratulations! We couldn't survive 7 years like you did but similar scenario with reactive aussie heeler mix. No hate to delivery drivers but he was so sensitive to all the noises from our upstairs neighbors at our previous apt. Now in a townhouse that's set back from the street and he's definitely way less anxious and noise reactive. Every now and then he will alert bark at various noises/sights but it's significantly better. So happy for you & your pup!
@henry78 Awesome! Noise is definitely a huge trigger, as well as being caught off guard (people coming out of their doors as we pass, running into people on the stairwell, etc). She's definitely gotten worse as she's gotten older. Even with trying to change directions proactively to avoid a trigger (like someone coming towards us in a tight space or another dog), she'll bark because I think she can sense im nervous/apprehensive. I'm definitely hopeful not having to dodge a hundred triggers to leave my building will help us both relax a bit lol.
@bmh3d You did the best in the circumstances you were in!! Sounds like you did what you could to avoid triggers but agree nothing can be done to control everything in our surrounding. Not having to share front entrance/door and communal hallway was the change that made such a difference for us.
Cheers to some decompression to both of you!
@joshcorn We had white noise machine but even the loudest setting wouldn't have drowned out the loud feet/stomping and party noises due to the old age of the building.
@bmh3d Congrats! I'm so happy for the two of you.

This is the dream for me too. My noise sensitive GSD / BC Mix and I would love it. She is working so hard to turn her "speak" into "whisper" to alert us, but I genuinely feel guilty that I've taken her "job" away. Not that I want her to bark loudly at every noise but it would be nice to let her be a little bit more vocal. Unfortunately, our apartment building has terrible acoustics and I can hear someone sneeze from down the hall. It is 100% the worst possible environment for her.

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