Advice with hip dysplasia


New member
We got the results from the lab, vet says X ray shows hip dysplasia type 2 or 3. My dog (F, 3.5yo) is a bit overweight and constantly running and hitting herself but apparently she doesn't feel pain

She started showing symptoms about a week and half ago but now she can't even walk, her rear legs aren't providing support and is just laying on the ground on her side

Vet says with surgery (I think what he described was a femoral head osteotomy) she would need two or three days of post surgery watch and in a total 7 days she will be fine forever. But I looked some previous posts and people said in the comments it's not that good and not a permanent fix

Vet also suggested about 8 months of therapy and medication but although the surgery is kinda expensive I guess this alternative will be more expensive and even less permanent

I don't know what to do. Will my dog ever recover? Some people also said hip dysplasia gets even worse with time and surgery affects dogs in other ways.

Please some advice and opinions will be appreciated
@hugosan hey, sorry to hear about your dog's hip dysplasia. it's a tough situation to be in. i'd recommend getting a second opinion from another vet to weigh your options. maybe see if there are any non-surgical treatments that could help. wishing your pup a speedy recovery.