[ADVICE NEEDED] Socialising 9 week Samoyed puppy with 9 month German Shepherd puppy

Hi guys, would like some advice on my current situation.

I am introducing my 9 week old Samoyed puppy to my 9 month old German Shepherd puppy. Though I am reasonably experienced with owning a dog (2nd German Shepherd) I have never had any experience with introducing a new dog to the same household. I've read a few articles and watched a few youtube videos, however most of these specify introducing a puppy to an older dog (1.5 years and above) There isn't much advice on introducing a smaller puppy to a significantly bigger puppy. Although my GS is quite big now, he still has a puppy mentality.

Today is the 3rd day of having our Samoyed pup, he is getting quite comfortable with his new environment and I am still in the process of crate training him.

The problem arises when they socialise. I am worried my GS is being too aggressive, but Im not 100% sure if he is just playing as a "puppy" or he is actually aggrevated.

Below is a description of how their socialisation unfolds.
  1. German Shepherd puppy and Samoyed puppy engage
  2. GS stands over Samoyed puppy
  3. Samoyed puppy runs a little bit, and flips over, shows his belly while moving his paws.
  4. GS stands over samoyed puppy, nips his ears, "bites" his belly and neck
  5. Samoyed puppy squeels and begins to bark back while still in belly position
  6. Samoyed puppy will flale his arms and attempt to bite the GS puppy
  7. Samoyed puppy gets up and runs a little, GS puppy follows
  8. Same thing repeats
  • GS puppy sometimes licks his face/genitals
  • GS puppy will do a low growl if puppy barks several times, he will also bark back in rare occasions but not often
  • GS is significantly bigger than the Samoyed puppy (I am assuming that if he IS play biting, then it may come off heavier and more intense for the smaller puppy)
  • GS puppy is much more interested in the Samoyed puppy than the other way around (I have read its usually the puppy that annoys the older dog)
  • If for any reason the GS puppy runs off, the Samoyed puppy would follow him in most cases
  • Samoyed puppy barks at GS puppy behind our puppy fence, runs away, then looks back and barks at hime again (feels like hes taunting him)
  • GS puppy would lay down beside the Samoyed puppies crate when the puppy is sleeping.
  • Though Samoyed puppy has squeeled from GS puppies bitting, Samoyed puppy doesn't seem to be fearful of the GS puppy (eg. Will walk up to him behind puppy fence, will taunt him, will follow)
  • GS puppy and Samoyed puppy are seperated 90% of the time, except for socialising attempts or when the puppy is sleeping in his crate.
  • Some youtuber recommended letting the bigger (older) dog work it out with the puppy, they also recommend supporting the older dog as the "leader". Though this feels like odd advice, I was wondering if this advice is trust worthy?
Since neither dogs are adults, I am wondering if anyone is familiar with a situation like this? If so, some advice on what should be/shouldn't be done would be much appreciated.

My goal is to have them socialise in a healthy manner and have them comfortable with each other and do not want either to become insecure from their interactions.

Sorry for the long post!
@dolordrememberme We have both German Shepard and Samoyed puppies and we have found that the GS can be to rough and needs to be stopped. As the Sammy is so easy going and has so much fur the GS bites and constantly pulls on his fur and goes to far.